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Showing content with the highest reputation on 8/10/2022 in all areas

  1. 4 Years Online As of this past week, Ely has officially been online for 4 YEARS. That's a crazy milestone. In sort of a celebration of it, we decided to compile some all-time statistics for you to check out. Pretty interesting stuff! Mystery Boxes Opened Regular Mystery Boxes: 78,734 Super Mystery Boxes: 82,744 Cosmetic Mystery Boxes: 46,064 Skilling Mystery Boxes: 5,819 PvM Mystery Boxes: 26,716 Exclusive Mystery Boxes: 28,398 In total: 268,475 NPC Kills KBD Kills: 219,603 Dagannoth Supreme Kills: 37,005 Dagannoth Rex Kills: 35,964 Dagannoth Prime Kills: 35,895 Graetoriax Kills: 65,887 Saradomin Kills: 68,176 Zamorak Kills: 128,284 Bandos Kills: 163,465 Armadyl Kills: 125,132 Corporeal Beast Kills: 38,886 Soulgazer Kills: 49,945 Glacor Kills: 76,488 Wildy Wyrm Kills: 4,103 Tormented Demon Kills: 20,531 Training Zone Kills: 1,391,006 Miscellaneous Items Sold to General Store: 8,185,298,614 Total Gambles: 65,108 Barrows Chest Opened: 34,506 Coffers Opened: 1,151 Clues Completed: 236,464 Caskets Opened: 247,357 LMS Games: 161 Daily Challenges Done: 4,960 Daily Challenges Points Earned: 20,475 Total EP On Accounts RN: 69,497 Total PvM Points On Accounts RN: 38,863,206 Castle War Games: 3,618 Pest Control Games: 8,819 Crystal Chests Opened: 1,445,783 Total Dung Tokens Earned: 453,556,762 Skilling Points Earned: 62,600,260 Referral Points Earned: 1,719,120 Last but not least, account values. Examine values. Here is the top 50 most wealthy accounts by examine values: Hope you all found that as interesting as I did And might I add.. I find it very suspicious @Boats is rank #7.. brb checking logs.
    1 point

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