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Showing content with the highest reputation on 5/3/2022 in all areas

  1. Howdy y'all, lastnight I reached a small goal of mine, I'm just trying to show you guys what my cl looks like at on some pic's i found saved from when I joined. I'm curious what does your favorite collection log you have pic's of? I'd love to see what you guys are proud of! Drop some of your fav pic's you have saved of cl's thanks for checking this out I hope you beautiful fucks have an amazing week -Sirenic
    3 points
  2. Gzz man, Kraken is my fav log cuz I got 3/4 in one task but it will be yearssss before I see that jar
    2 points
  3. I made a big mistake and got a boss task with only 22 slayer points left. I now have to kill 8 Nex on my 2 week old legend ironman. Killing Nex is basically impossible until I get huge gear upgrades. I know it's totally my fault. My suggestion is to allow players to skip their boss tasks to receive a hard task. To avoid players abusing this, the hard task should give zero points.
    1 point
  4. I say just hold the people hostage until they donate $50 and then they will receive a slayer task skip ticket
    1 point
  5. Thank you! Xenny reset my task, but having an in-game system in place would be a good idea.
    1 point
  6. Admin+ Will usually be able to manually skip your task for you if you ask, But ya having a system in place is much better. +SUPPORT
    1 point
  7. +1 could add a slayer task skip ticket item to daily challenge shop for like 5 points that shop needs some love
    1 point
  8. This is your life now. You live there now. In time, rumor's will tell of the void whisperer... some will say that when the server is at it's quietest; that you can be heard; calling out from the void.
    1 point

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