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Showing content with the highest reputation on 3/29/2022 in all areas

  1. 4 Years Online As of this past week, Ely has officially been online for 4 YEARS. That's a crazy milestone. In sort of a celebration of it, we decided to compile some all-time statistics for you to check out. Pretty interesting stuff! Mystery Boxes Opened Regular Mystery Boxes: 78,734 Super Mystery Boxes: 82,744 Cosmetic Mystery Boxes: 46,064 Skilling Mystery Boxes: 5,819 PvM Mystery Boxes: 26,716 Exclusive Mystery Boxes: 28,398 In total: 268,475 NPC Kills KBD Kills: 219,603 Dagannoth Supreme Kills: 37,005 Dagannoth Rex Kills: 35,964 Dagannoth Prime Kills: 35,895 Graetoriax Kills: 65,887 Saradomin Kills: 68,176 Zamorak Kills: 128,284 Bandos Kills: 163,465 Armadyl Kills: 125,132 Corporeal Beast Kills: 38,886 Soulgazer Kills: 49,945 Glacor Kills: 76,488 Wildy Wyrm Kills: 4,103 Tormented Demon Kills: 20,531 Training Zone Kills: 1,391,006 Miscellaneous Items Sold to General Store: 8,185,298,614 Total Gambles: 65,108 Barrows Chest Opened: 34,506 Coffers Opened: 1,151 Clues Completed: 236,464 Caskets Opened: 247,357 LMS Games: 161 Daily Challenges Done: 4,960 Daily Challenges Points Earned: 20,475 Total EP On Accounts RN: 69,497 Total PvM Points On Accounts RN: 38,863,206 Castle War Games: 3,618 Pest Control Games: 8,819 Crystal Chests Opened: 1,445,783 Total Dung Tokens Earned: 453,556,762 Skilling Points Earned: 62,600,260 Referral Points Earned: 1,719,120 Last but not least, account values. Examine values. Here is the top 50 most wealthy accounts by examine values: Hope you all found that as interesting as I did And might I add.. I find it very suspicious @Boats is rank #7.. brb checking logs.
    5 points
  2. 4 points
  3. Very cool that you've logged these statistics. Congratulations on 4 years and here's to many more.
    3 points
  4. Hey friends, As some of you know I've recently decided to destroy my mind by completing the achievements and in doing so I've found a fair few that are kind of ridiculous and I'd like to suggest some changes to them. I've written up the changes I'd like to see in the spoiler below. Please let me know what you think about these and if you'd change anything about them. Also REWARDS WHEN??
    1 point
  5. The Chambers of Xeric uses a unique party finding system to help determine how strong the team is. This will affect the strength of the monsters and bosses, in addition to the requirements needed in the skilling rooms. Players can bring their own supplies in, but will need to utilise the chambers' resources in order to defeat the increasingly strong bosses. This is my first guide, and based on own experiences so far, so don't be so harsh Please dm if you find any error/mistakes so I can update the post. Rewards: Preparements before you start the raid - should read How to start the Raid: Rooms: Great Olm - Final boss Stats of the gear from Unique drop-table Map-order Every map is pre-made, so its all about which number you roll of which map you get. I have made the following list, and will update this as more "new" patterns are discovered. Loot from 100 raids made by Nelly
    1 point
  6. Support on all points, also suggesting that we change Resorce I - Mine 250 Dragonstone -> Down to 50 Resource II - Loot 150 Bird Nests -> Down to 75
    1 point
  7. Hey man I rejoined not too long ago after like a 2 year break. Miss ya man
    1 point

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