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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/16/2021 in all areas

  1. Merry Christmas Ely! Welcome to the 2021 Secret Santa! Keeping up with our yearly tradition, we will be hosting a server-wide Secret Santa event that has been a staple for Ely for the past 3 years and I'm happy to say this will be our 4th year running this event! In this event, if you're interested in participating - we'd like for you to reply to this post in the comments below stating your Discord Name and In-game name. Starting today, 12/15/21, I will make a list of everyone who will be participating and will be randomly choosing who your Secret Santa partner is, on and after 12/18/21. The Rules • You must get the person who is assigned to you a gift, regardless of the price of said item(s) • Don't spoil the surprise! Don't tell the person you've been assigned them UNTIL you are gifting their stuff • You will be able to give your gifts as soon as you get your partner (on the 18th) • Make sure to post a screenshot of you giving/receiving your gifts! • Enjoy yourselves and have a HAPPY, Happy holiday! LET THE MEMES BEGIN!
    2 points
  2. I have killed all 5 barrows, and when entering the tunnel i cannot open any doors to complete to the last boss and get my reward from chest. I have done this 3 times and everytime i enter tunnel i cannot open any doors. Lation did teleport me the first time to chest. Hope this will be fixed asap! Thanks!
    2 points
  3. Currently the Resource III Achievement section has multiple impling catches within it, 2 of which being "Catch 300 Pirate Implings" and "Catch 500 Pirate Implings". Well turns out BOTH these are impossible to complete due to the fact you cannot catch the implings themselves. Furthermore maybe some more implings within the Puro-Puro hunter area would also help. Thankyou!
    1 point
  4. Cerberus override won't accept torva at all ( so can't even test if has hp bonus ) Reaper override will take torva, but can't disassemble once added. ( only have t1 torva so can't test adding t2 ) hit point bonus works with t1 again can't test t2 personally. Tz-tol override will accept trova t1 and t2 but once added you can't disassemble. Hit point bonus works fine! Nomadic override takes Virtus and hit point bonus works fine, but once added again can't disassemble. Zarosian will take t1 virtus but not t2, disassemble works fine and hit points bonus works fine! Petrified override graetorian armor set ( ichor dyes ) once added to graetorian armor you can't disassemble also it will only accept t1 won't accept t2.
    1 point
  5. Noticed this the other day when trying to complete my achievement diary! None of the doors allow you to enter them so you can't reach the chest in the middle.
    1 point
  6. Elite Sirenic Blood set when add normal pernix to it, it has full hp bonus of 139. But when add t2 pernix to it only has hp bonus of 105 ( think body and legs are missing the hit point bonus ) Blue Sirenic can only add regular pernix to it, won't accept t2, gives you the "nothing interesting happen"
    1 point
  7. You know we in this HERES MY DISCORD: Fucklation#1167 AND MY IN-GAME NAME IS: Lation sucks Merry Christmas everybody
    1 point
  8. Awesome!!! Get me in there coach Discord: Eoteon/Xenith IGN: Xenith
    1 point
  9. Bug Fixes Kalphite Queen pet collection bug fixed (release pets and re-collect from pet manager to update) Examiner Assistant mining bug resolved Brimhaven fruit tree patch bug fixed Inferno Adze + Ring of fire / flame gloves bug fixed (XP granted upon log burning while cutting) Unfinished dragon bolts been removed on all drops with usable dragon bolts Looting bag + seed pouch stacking (noted) bug fixed Harmony/salvaion/corruption aura's fixed Crafting Onyx achievement fixed Pathing bug fixed (includes not being able to attack Blink in specific tiles, etc) Using Insta-Kill darts at corp (max damage cap) fixed Lucien HP in Monster Carnage fixed Enchanting dragonstone jewelry requiring 86 Magic fixed (now correctly requires 68) Attacking NPC out of range with darts, bug fixed Vyrewatch longsword made tradable (disassembly coming soon) Polypore/Ganodermic/PvP Items will now drop upon death instead of being deleted Wolpertinger pouch fixed Misc achievements fixed
    1 point
  10. seems to be a bug where a player can put the cannon right inside the entrance and to the left of the corp room. then the player can just walk out while the cannon still goes, caught a few people doing it, no armor on litterly jus afk
    0 points

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