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  1. Perks We thought of an idea some time ago that would allow non-donor's & lower donor rank players to have temporary or limited access to the high-tier donor benefits. Think for example, the ::Bank command. Everyone wants that, but not everyone can/will/wants too spend $500+ to get it. That makes sense & is understandable. So we thought, how could we make it more accessible to more, without changing the ranks themselves? Time. We took our existing donor benefits, and put them into time-based, expiring perks you can individually purchase. Each perk has a price & a time. See below for a breakdown: Pillage - Receive double the loot from the Crystal Chest for every key - 24 Hours Proclivity - Receive the option to choose from 2 different Slayer Tasks - 24 Hours Dualistic - Receive x2 the Slayer Points upon task completion - 24 Hours Invoke - Receive access to the ::Bank command - 6 Hour Invocation - Receive unlimited Prayer in PvM - 6 Hour Indolent - Automatically pickup Crystal keys, parts & coins to inventory - 24 Hours Archer - Receive unlimited arrows & bolts - 24 Hours Alchemist - Receive unlimited elemental & combat runes - 24 Hours Exertion - Receive x2 XP in all skills - 2 Hour Plunder - Receive a 25% drop rate boost - 3 Hour The prices of these perks range anywhere from $5 - $10. They are not meant to replace the benefit of actually achieving the ranks that have these as permanent effects, just give short, temporary access to those who cannot/will not spend the amount of money required to get there. These are game-enhancing, temporary perks. Better yet, each time you purchase a perk (or anything for that matter), you are slowly building up towards & getting closer too the rank that has these as a permanent effect. We see them as a win/win. Even better still, these are all tradable. Just as it is with Scrolls (people who don't want to donate can still reap the benefits of donor status), it is with perks. A non-donor can buy these from other players and enjoy these benefits. What if I am already a Patron and receive these? Obviously many of these perks may not apply to you. You already have ::Bank, you already get to pick your Slayer Tasks & already have Crystal Key pickup abilities. Yes, most of these will not benefit you anymore than you already have. However, if you're a Bronze Patron ($1k) & receive 10% XP boost permanently; you can still use "Exertion - x2 XP" perk & get that 10% bumped up to 100% temporarily. BUT - if you're a Diamond Patron ($3k) and already get a 50% increase, you'll only receive another 50% increase on top; still a 50% increase, but not x2 on top of your 50% like others will receive. In short, it overrides your donor benefit. If you are Gold Patron ($2k) and already get the 15% drop rate increase, "Plunder - 25% drop rate boost" perk will increase that 15% to 25%, not stack to 40%. A timer will be available in the Quest Tab, below the Well of Goodwill info that will display each perk & it's time remaining once activated. Final Word All in all, our main goal with this addition is just like it was with Scrolls: make everything more accessible to as many players as possible. Of course, we also hope these will be popular additions to our Store that it may help increase our sales & revenue to keep our expenses paid, development continued & advertisements up. Let me know your thoughts below!
    4 points
  2. Been a while since I updated, took a few months off but been back at it recently! Posted an updated loot tab and updated the goals list. Total cash has gone down but I've been finishing up all my bis gear and unable to resist the call of the well. Getting some nutty kill times with all this new gear, t2 is really something else lol. I can feel the sub 30 KQ and Zul just need that RNG
    1 point
  3. Nice. Looking forward to your posts about killing 5k of everything else
    1 point

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