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Showing content with the highest reputation on 9/12/2021 in all areas

  1. This suggestion will definitely annoy anybody who holds a current record, but I'm going to request it anyway. I'm suggesting that we reset the current Boss Kill Record for the fastest boss times in-game. Whilst some of these are potentially quite recent and legitimate, the majority of these times were obtained when the DWH defence reduction bug was still in place on the server, meaning that these records did not have to choose between attacking with a primary special attack weapon for immediate damage or using a defence reducing weapon to increase the overall damage. Given that these bosses were at the lowest defence possible when records were obtained and that this bug has now been fixed, these records will ultimately never be beaten.
    1 point
  2. Upon slaying the bird of death, player receives zero PvM points.
    1 point
  3. I don't support will because boats is my best friend but i do support fm who is supporting opoxi
    1 point
  4. I dont support boats suggestion because come on, its boats?? But i support opoxi
    1 point
  5. This is an very good example!
    1 point
  6. 100000% support this, very well thought out and this brings life to alot of skills aswell!
    1 point
  7. We definitely want the cape to be an extensive long legged journey, but 5b isnt a good requirement as it'll essentially become un-obtainable for most players who challenge themselves with harder difficulties. Tasks like completing the collection log / achievements are a perfect example of what a requirement should be imo. I believe there is a list on the forums with suggestions to comp cape t requirements (jake i think idk?) so we can re-review those and base the requirements off those that gained support. We did debate adding the trimmed comp cape a while back, but came to the conclusion that we didnt offer enough content to seperate it from its pre-decessor variant. I feel that with CoX being implemented in the foreseeable future and all the other content focused updates we've added over the last 2 years, now would be a perfect time to implement this into the game. SUPPORT
    1 point
  8. That looks like one hell of a grind and i love it. LETS GET IT DONE See alot of idea that we came up with along time ago. Think i still got the notepad file. Nice to see them still there being suggested.
    1 point
  9. Good stuff Jake! One thing though, fuck blink
    1 point
  10. I'm sure we could take your current kill log thing and read from that, so whatever your stats are on the NPC Kill log can be used for the new requirements. I think this base is good to start from Jake, good stuff
    1 point

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