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Showing content with the highest reputation on 8/8/2021 in all areas

  1. Hello my fellow gamers. I have a couple of suggestions that I would like to propose. I will so kindly label them with numbers so that you can simply type out the numbers you support and don't support. Most are qol, some are not. Enjoy! 1. Add the drop log plug in to runelite ie. https://github.com/runelite/runelite/wiki/Loot-Tracker 2. Allow the chatbox to be not transparent on modes other than fixed. ie 3. Rework the 'bug' with taking out items when in the main tab. ie. 4. Add the cannon plugin so I know how many cannonballs are in my cannon. ie https://github.com/runelite/runelite/wiki/Cannon 5. Add a left clickable master farmer 6. Allow ironmen to buy bolt racks somewhere. This is something that was implemented in osrs, and I think it makes sense. You need to get the drop of the karils bow still, but don't have to worry about the ammo that you can't craft. That's all I got for now. Goodbye gamers.
    1 point

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