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Showing content with the highest reputation on 8/1/2021 in all areas

  1. Bug Fixes Double catching fishing feature fixed Ferret pet not following fixed Zulrah pet model fixed Added a portal between inner and outer ring at the abyss Suitcase is now prperly equipable Dom staff now provides unlimited elemental runes as intended Colored slayer helms now have proper requirements Right clicking while in the wildy/running has been fixed T2 ring of suffering now properly has recoil affect Combat flask now works Pathing issues with range resolved Promethium gear values in dung corrected T2 guardian gear stats fixed Gown added to minions drop table Override Update I am currently in the process of diving back into all our past overrides we've created that did not add a disassembly option to and re-adding that option. With this update I've completed a sizable list of items that now have the disassemble option available, see below: Cerberus set Nomadic set Tz-Tol set Solstice set Kirsen sentinel set Reaper set Zarosian set Sirenic set Staff of eternal frost Serenic godbow Blazing longsword Taeshalach On top of this, I will be slowly adding the ability to imbue your overrides with the T2 variants of items as well. To begin this, I decided to just go with the latest items as they are the most prominent at the moment, but below is a list of overrides you can add T2 items too: Masterwork set (now accepts T2 Torva) Dragonslayer battleaxe (now accepts T2 Primal longsword) Etherborne staff (now accepts T2 Hellfire staff) Windrunner bow (now accepts T2 Recurve bow) Tz-Tol set (now accepts T2 Torva) Guardian set (now can use Void dye on T2 Guardian) I will be working on expanding these lists often with updates as they are made available, as well as continuing the expansion of items available for upgrade on the chest. It's quite time consuming although easy, so it'll just take some time to get to all the overrides & getting up to date, but I will get there shortly. Hope you enjoy!
    1 point
  2. 1 point
  3. As someone with an average amount of Cosmetic Boxes opened, and being an Ironman, I can tell you now that a lot of the rewards are ridiculous. The concept of paying $2 for Elegant or Villager items is quite absurd given that most of these items have an alch value of roughly 100 gold. Whilst this is all a gamble, my personal view on this is that for the monetary value against the general and common rewards obtained, the items are slightly lacklustre and could use an improvement. The purpose of this thread is to throw a few ideas into the hat on both how to improve the boxes in their current state, but also additional items to make these more worthwhile. NOTE: As an Ironman, a portion of these changes will be directed towards Ironman accounts over Ecoscape accounts. Alch Value Increases: As stated above, for the sheer quantity of Villager and Elegant items that you receive, the boxes are currently not worth the investment. Whilst it's not so bad the first time you obtain these items as now you have that Fashionscape, getting multiples of them become a pain. My suggestion here is to increase the alch value so that at least when you get this duplicate rubbish, at least you can get a few gold coins. Now I'm not saying throw these in the 100M+ range, but something worthwhile so that they're not complete trash. Additional Items: So as the majority of the Cosmetic Box loot came from Master Clue Caskets on OSRS, a few more will be included in here alongside additional items from other parts of Ely. Bear Feet - OSRS Beginner Clue Item. Mole Slippers - OSRS Beginner Clue Item. Frog Slippers - OSRS Beginner Clue Item. Demon Feet - OSRS Beginner Clue Item. Sandwich Lady Outfit - OSRS Beginner Clue Item. Shoulder Parrot - OSRS Beginner Clue Item. Trimmed Monk Robes - OSRS Beginner Clue Item. Jester Cape - OSRS Beginner Clue Item. Jester Outfit - Already available to Ecoscape. Rain Bow - OSRS Easy Clue Item. Ham Joint - OSRS Easy Clue Item. Imp Mask - OSRS Easy Clue Item. Goblin Mask - OSRS Easy Clue Item. Team Cape (I, X, Zero) - OSRS Easy Clue Item. Cape of Skulls - OSRS Easy Clue Item. Wooden Shield (G) - OSRS Easy Clue Item. Golden Chef's Hat - OSRS Easy Clue Item. Golden Apron - OSRS Easy Clue Item. Gold Trimmed Monk Robes - OSRS Easy Clue Item. Gilded Equipment - OSRS Elite Clue Item. Musketeer Outfit - OSRS Elite Clue Item. Every available Ornament Kit - Some are already in-game via Clue Scrolls/Donator Store. Big Pirate Hat - OSRS Elite Clue Item. Royal Set - OSRS Elite Clue Item. Monocle - OSRS Elite Clue Item. Ranger Set (Tunic, Tights, Gloves etc) - OSRS Elite Clue Item. Mummy Outfit - OSRS Master Clue Item. Samuria Outfit - OSRS Master Clue Item. Robes of Darkness - OSRS Master Clue Item. Obsidian Cape (r) - OSRS Master Clue Item. Ring of Coins - OSRS Master Clue Item. Boxing Gloves - Already available to Ecoscape - Remove animation and switch from a weapon to the gloves slot. Almost every Holiday Reward from OSRS - Some are already obtainable for Ecoscape. Box Usability: A simple one here. As we know, Ironman accounts can't trade with anybody and these boxes are the only way of obtaining specific cosmetics. I'm asking for a system where you can select the Use option on the Cosmetic Boxes on another player and it will give a dialogue box confirming (with the ability to turn it off of couse), to transfer boxes purchased from Ecoscape to Ironman accounts. This feature would be especially handy to the Event Managers for any events that they host regarding boxes, so that Ironman accounts don't have to wait for an Administrator to login to claim them. To review the OSRS Clue Scroll and Holiday Rewards, follow the attached hyperlinks. If anybody has any additional suggestions, feel free to leave them below and have the community vote on their favourites.
    1 point
  4. I can see your point in this. My recommendation to this would then be to adjust the privileges of the Event Managers exclusively so that they could handle these boxes at the end of the given event if an Ironman was to win them.
    1 point

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