Hello. Hi. Hey there. Had a few ideas of items to add to the game/ to the new upgrade chest gonna keep it short and sweet k.
Upgrade chest
Subjugation gear
Zamorakian spear
Steadfast boots
Ragefire boots
Glaiven boots
Primordial boots
Eternal boots
Pegasian boots
Anti-dragonfire shield(all variants)
Fire cape
Zaryte bow
Fury Amulet
Now for the items i would like to see come ingame, mostly for the beginners/irons
Basilisk jaw(upgrade for the helm of neitz)
Fire max cape
Ancient d'hide boots
Guthix d'hide boots
Saradomin d'hide boots
Zamorak d'hide boots
Couple cosmetics
Ornate armor set
Corrupted armor set