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Showing content with the highest reputation on 6/29/2021 in all areas

  1. "mostly for the beginners/irons" "Fire max cape"
    2 points
  2. Hello. Hi. Hey there. Had a few ideas of items to add to the game/ to the new upgrade chest gonna keep it short and sweet k. Upgrade chest Subjugation gear Zamorakian spear Steadfast boots Ragefire boots Glaiven boots Primordial boots Eternal boots Pegasian boots Anti-dragonfire shield(all variants) Fire cape Zaryte bow Fury Amulet Now for the items i would like to see come ingame, mostly for the beginners/irons Basilisk jaw(upgrade for the helm of neitz) Fire max cape Ancient d'hide boots Guthix d'hide boots Saradomin d'hide boots Zamorak d'hide boots Couple cosmetics Ornate armor set Corrupted armor set
    1 point
  3. Yep, it's still the same item however just has more functionality now! You can split it and get the dragon full helm & dragonbone upgrade kit in return, or keep it as is.
    1 point
  4. Love the ideas sir, keep 'em coming! SUPPORT ON ALL - would love to see chaotics implemented into this list aswell!
    1 point
  5. Would be sweet to see some way to implement such items E.G Basilisk Jaw (Obtained from basilisk’s or Basilisk Knights). Could also add “Wing Tips”, “Ragefire Glands” and “Steadfast scales” to Glacors drop table for their respective boot upgrades (“Flarefrost Boots”, “Hailfire Boots” “Emberkeen Boots”). Just a thought.
    1 point
  6. Agree, but add primal spear to the list
    1 point
  7. The more the merry!
    1 point

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