Hello all,
Please read about the HUGE Achievements update here: Patch Notes LXX (#70) Achievement Diary (1,200+), Summoning & More
I thought it would be best to form a megathread where everyone can post any issues/bugs and further suggestions to the Achievements system.
I will keep this main post updated so all information can remain in one location.
Current Issues:
Keep an extra item on death with Protect Item Prayer - This can not be achieved by Hardcore Ironmen without losing status. Changed to opening the Items kept on death interface while praying protect item
Adding any type of logs to a bonfire does not count for the various 'Burn Logs' achievements. Fixed
Obtaining an Adamant defender is not ticking off when received as a drop. Fixed
When typing ::train existing Ironmen accounts can not tick off the achievement. (New accounts work) - Changed to Skilling Area
Pet manager interface is crossing off the 'Obtain 5 Boss Pets' achievement but NOT the 1 & 3 achievements. Fixed
Killing experiments is ticking off the 'Kill Nex' achievement. Fixed
Nurse can be spam clicked to earn 'Heal' & 'Restore' achievements. Fixed
Typo with 'Heal 25000 damage with Turmoil' - This should say 'Deal'. Fixed
DPS Combat Dummy can be used to gain the damage achievements while using Piety/Turmoil. Fixed
If already purchased the abilities from Kuradal, you can no longer complete the achievement to purchase. Fixed
'Equip a full set of Runecrafter Robes' - Does not seem to be completing when wearing any 3 of the full sets. Fixed
Someone killed Dagannoth Rex and it crossed off the 'Kill Nex' achievement. Fixed
Mine Coal & Gold achievements do not progress with the Mineral Deposits in donator zone. Fixed
Gold Elegant seems to have crossed off an 'Equip Mithril Armour' achievement Fixed
'Cook Raw Beef' does not progress - potentially because there is 2 different Raw Beef. Fixed
Duplicate 'Earn 100 Agility Tickets' achievement under Support 1 (Easy/Med) Changed to 50 Easy & 100 Medium
Degraded pieces of equipment don't work for set achievements (Such as Nex armours and barrows) Fully repaired pieces do work.
Opening the Crystal Key chest doesn't work as an ironman. Fixed
Potentially the 'Kill Kree'Arra, Graardor and Kril' achievements are not progressing correctly. Fixed
'Vote X days in a row' achievement is not progressing. This works when voting once in a 24hr period.
'Defeat Jad without Armour' completes even when wearing some armour.
'Make bowstrings' achievements not progressing when spinning flax on a spinning wheel. Fixed
Obtaining a dragon platebody ornament kit ticks off the 'Obtain a Dragon Platebody' achievement. Fixed
I am pretty sure that you can not get these as a medium slayer task: Turoth, Cave Horror & Dust Devil. Fixed
Completing Fight Kiln under 30 minutes isn't registering for the achievement. Fixed
Dagannoth Kings achievement not progressing when the each King is killed.
You only complete the achievement of obtaining a godsword shard 3 if you drop from a boss and not from minions. Fixed
"Cut an Uncut Zenyte" achievement can not be completed as the player can not obtain an Uncut Zenyte gem. Demonic Gorillas drop a Zenyte Shard. A Cut Onyx is used on the Zenyte Shard and this makes a piece of Zenyte Jewellery. I would suggest changing this achievement to "Craft a piece of Zenyte Jewellery" then add the IDs for Amulet of Torture, Necklace of Anguish, Tormented Bracelet & Ring of Suffering as the items that will trigger completion. Fixed (New drop added to gorillas)
Smouldering Stone is progressing the 'Obtain a boots crystal drop from Cerberus' achievement. Fixed
Medium task for barbarian agility course laps are not counting. (Possible check for lap completion not added?) Fixed
''Monsters II'' Obtain dragon full helm does not work. A full helm from Tormented Hatchlings didn't progress it. Fixed
''Monsters II'' Obtain dragon axe does not work. An axe from Dagannoth Kings didn't progress it. Fixed
''Monsters II'' Obtain draconic visage (ranged) does not count. Could be the same for the Magic variant. Fixed
''Monsters I'' Killing corporeal beast is not progressing. Fixed
"Obtain a boss jar drop" isn't progressing. Fixed
''Monsters I'' Kill 100 mithril dragons isn't progressing. Fixed
Duplicate achievements in both of these categories: "Monsters II" (Medium) & "Support II" (Elite) Obtain Draconic Visage drop. Fixed (Replaced Support 2 achievement with ''Obtain polypore stick'')
''Monsters I'' Gain 100 Saradomin kill count is not progressing. Fixed
"Artisan III" Make onyx ring/amulets doesn't progress when made. Fixed
''Monsters I'' There are two Kill 100 iron dragons achievements. Fixed (replaced with ''Kill 100 Brutal Black Dragons'')
Duplicate achievements in both of these categories: "Monsters II" (Medium) & "Support II" (Hard) Obtain an Abyssal Whip drop. Fixed (Support 2 achievement replaced with ''craft an abyssal whip vine'')
Duplicate achievements in both of these categories: "Monsters II" (Medium) & "Support II" (Hard) Obtain an Dark Bow drop. Fixed (Support 2 achievement replaced with ''Craft a Polypore Staff''
''Fight Caves'' in elite step you need to obtain jad pet. Player can not obtain another jad pet or even roll the capes after obtaining it the first time. Fixed (If you have the pet, just re-roll fire cape and it auto completes the achievement)
New Achievement Suggestions: