A little suggestion to increase the examine value of primal rapier/longsword and others if they are not. Reason behind this is my dragon boots are protected over my primal rapier/longsword.
I just lost my primal rapier becaus it saved over a void bone.. Wasnt expecting that to happen.
ye defo support that.
Might aswell add that Blowpipe's examine value is 1 gp, and everything protects over it except elite void, which is kind of annoying aswell limiting it's use in the wildy.
I don't know if you're still taking requests, but if it's possible I'd like one aswell!
Would love it if it Could be something vampire related.
Thanks in advance!
love it man! just need to contact lation for the dimension since it only allowes me to uplaod 500px I 100px.
other than that looks super awesome!
@Lation can ya help with it :)?