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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/12/2020 in all areas

  1. 1. We need to log in to our account and then click at the name. 2.We select the option "Account Settings" and then we select the option "Signature" 3.And now we upload our signature and then we click in "Save" 4. And we are done :D, if you need a signature design feel free to request one at my post its free! Some of my work for the community Ely.
    1 point
  2. I can get behind this. As a fashoonista it can be annoying having to pick and choose what u want to wear. I dont see any harm in putting em in the arrow slot more people use them to afk with then to go fighting(which i dont know why you would boss in them to risk loosing) you have me support
    1 point
  3. I was seeing this movie and i find some strange dude at some scene ... it look like that dude called @Lation
    1 point
  4. You can easily keep the wings in the slot it’s meant to be in, like how the auras are.... the issue is to do with the sunnies, yes they go in the aura slot atm, but why wouldn’t you use the sharpshooter aura during combat anyways it’s ridiculous lmao
    1 point
  5. I haven't mentioned them being needed specifically for combat. I'm talking about if their equipment slot is changed it can have a knock-on effect. If you re-read my above post I clarify all this. You're making this suggestion to have the ability to wear the wings while you wear sunnies. Since you're mentioning the ammo slot, I'm merely suggesting why/how making that change can have a knock-on effect to others as CURRENTLY sunnies OR wings can be worn while not sacrificing the ammo slot or any other combat related equipment slot - meaning some players might be wearing them because they look cool while they're doing combat. Players do choose to wear cosmetics in all aspects of the game, so do you see why changing equipment slots can cause a hinderance. In my opinion, the sunnies should be in the helmet slot and the wings should be in the cape slot to begin with. The reason they're in the Aura slot is so that can worn in all aspects of gameplay.
    1 point
  6. this is great l0000l
    1 point
  7. @nelly Done :D, i hope do you like it Dimension: 520 x 216 if you have problem about the dimension limit contact lation he help me.
    1 point

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