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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/22/2020 in all areas

  1. Graetoriax Goes Home.. When Graetoriax the Unbroken originally released it belonged to a different part of the map. Maybe of you who play today will not recognize this area, but to those OG's, you very much will. Welcome back home, Graetoriax. (The new area also includes the instance clock for those who prefer some alone time with Grae ) Ironman Donor Benefits (partially) Return The Donor Benefits page has been updated to reflect which benefits Ironmen receive. Below is a short screenshot, demonstrating that any benefits with an Ironman icon next to it, means that Ironmen will receive that benefit. If no icon, then Ironmen do not receive that benefit. Client Update - Item names on Ground Yes. It's here. Miscellaneous Changes Ironmen accounts receive Vote Tickets to spend in Shop, but cannot claim XP Boost. Aura's are now available to all players - locked behind only a Voting requirement, no longer Donor. Clan chat issue with players that had spaces in their names has been fixed. Looting bag fixed. Forlorn Primals now roll their chance at Dungeon completion, instead of NPC kill. An instance has been added to Kalphite Queen. New 3rd age item rewards from Clue scrolls now announce properly.
    1 point
  2. Fixed (next time server restarts/updates it'll be live) - thank you for reporting this, but this is why we need people to make reports, because my brain can't hold the constant flow of information I get everyday Thank you & done
    1 point
  3. @IdanikI for #1 - go to your purple SoF tab and make sure you have your XP set to "ON" & not "Wildy" - should fix that. And for #2, right click the World Map and swap your default option - this is an upcoming feature. As for #3, shouldn't work. But should stop you from throwing darts I'd imagine - will look into that, thanks.
    1 point

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