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Showing content with the highest reputation on 7/29/2020 in all areas

  1. Hello I would like to make a suggestion to reduce the number of kills to 1 for WildyWyrms .. Mostly because that forces us HCIM's to go into wildy and I feel as that isn't right, I can understand other bosses but not that one. I don't think there is any other Wildy bosses/achievements but that one spotted my eye. I don't know if you can remove it just for HCIM's but let me know what you think. Thank you! EDIT 7/29/20 12:16 : One more thing it also gets announced in chat when it spawns and that's an easy way for a pker to check to see if someone is there I know there are people out there that main to just pk and It's just way to sketchy. - J E N
    4 points
  2. First post from me, nothing significant. I've been on Ely for a week now, and it's been great. Prior to Ely I use to hop around servers, gamble hundreds of dollars, and leave. Quite sad really. After making a HCIM account, it feels like I've rediscovered the game. The people on here are fantastic, and I've had a lot of fun (more than I thought possible for a rsps, or rs at all for that matter). I'm looking forward to see what the future holds (hopefully not a death from lag) and can't wait to continue forward with you all. Below are some picture of a group run with Coco, Tare, Jen, and Brandon. Had an absolute ball ^_^ Not really a forums guy, only on from time to time to look at some posts. So with that said, see you all in-game, and happy grinding! - Chip
    4 points
  3. I would support a reduction to 1 WW as a requirement for HCIM. While the game shouldn't be catered for them, WW is way too much of a risk for anybody let alone a HCIM.
    2 points
  4. 100%, great suggestion. HCIM is already brutal enough..
    2 points
  5. Glad your enjoying the server! Super nice to see you all just chilling, just like the RS2 days. Keep up the HC gainz!
    2 points
  6. I understand that but when you have hours upon hours doing Legend and you can lose it all in a second based on someone in wildy cause you were trying to get one comp completion is not right. That's my opinion and even if it's dead that risk is still there for you to lose all your progress. I would rather die from a boss that was my mistake than a player. Please understand that.
    2 points
  7. I love the idea of bossing together with hcim's. I also support that 100% +1 EDIT: Plus on RS3 currently you can boss with other ironmans.
    2 points
  8. +1 support. Creating a sticking with a HC account is hard enough as it is. Removing this task would actually make comp cape achievable without the risk of losing the account/status to players within wildy. Another option up for discussion is Ironman or HC ironman teams, so that we could boss together. I haven't done much pvm, and the thought of having to solo every boss, simply isn't possible with the limited gear on an iron-man account. I hope Lation considers these options. The risk is also raised if you happen to be a player with high ping (Australians play with 300-350 ping), which almost cancels out bossing completely due to lag. Regards, Isaac.
    2 points
  9. Or even like what Luke said reduce it to at least 1. That's a lot better than 5 times.
    1 point
  10. I can understand that. And I would just like to know in the revamp is there going to be more Wildy content for HCIM? And I knew that there was going to be a revamp was not sure if it was going to affect the "Legacy" Ironmans, And a whole completely new gamemode for the Ironmans. But since I don't think this will go any where you may close this thread. Thank you. - J E N
    1 point
  11. HCIM isn't meant to be easy, and it's easy enough as it is, and that goes for all iron man modes, but that will all change with the iron man revamp we have planned. While I do see your point, I do not support this suggestion. There is always a possibility that you'll be killed when you enter the wilderness, and while this task forces you to go into the wildy, it's not something you absolutely have to do, comp cape isn't meant for everyone. There's also a good possibility that you'll die from fighting other bosses which can happen in a second. Pking is a part of the game, as is the wilderness. Nobody is forced to take part in every aspect of the game.
    1 point
  12. Ely really does have that homely feel to it, glad you're enjoying what this server has become. Makes the years of work worth it
    1 point
  13. Great to see you having a good time with us. Plenty more good days to come I hope, keep having a positive experience!
    1 point
  14. The love hath been felt
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Wonderful guide, The fact that you included all experience rates for all gamemodes makes this guide a 100% guide. Great job SnapZ!
    1 point
  17. the title says it all, i was praying mage and had atleast half health and plenty of prayer, all of a sudden a red attack 1 hit me, it looked similar to the retribution prayer also pls move the living mineral rocks at dz over 1 space so all 4 can be utilized, thankyou
    1 point
  18. I don't think it should be removed based solely on the fact that it carries extra risk for HCIM accounts. We've had HCIM's comp before so it's entirely possible to do. The wilderness as it stands is rather dead, at least this requirement adds a tiny bit of life.
    0 points

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