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  1. Fuel: Hardcore Iron Man Legend Goal: Achieve 200M in every skill, but one at a time. Current Skill in Progress: Woodcutting (41 of 200M) *All stats will be listed below and updated as they are completed*: Attack: 1 / 99 (0 of 200M) Strength: 1 / 99 (0 of 200M) Defence: 1 / 99 (0 of 200M) Range: 1 / 99 (0 of 200M) Prayer: 1 / 99 (0 of 200M) Magic: 1 / 99 (0 of 200M) Runecrafting: 1 / 99 (0 of 200M) Construction: 1 / 99 (0 of 200M) Dungeoneering: 1 / 99 (0 of 200M) Constitution: 1 / 99 (0 of 200M) Agility: 1 / 99 (0 of 200M) Herblore: 1 / 99 (0 of 200M) Thieving: 1 / 99 (0 of 200M) Crafting: 1 / 99 (0 of 200M) Fletching: 1 / 99 (0 of 200M) Slayer: 1 / 99 (0 of 200M) Hunter: 1 / 99 (0 of 200M) Mining: 1 / 99 (0 of 200M) Smithing: 1 / 99 (0 of 200M) Fishing: 1 / 99 (0 of 200M) Cooking: 1 / 99 (0 of 200M) Firemaking: 1 / 99 (0 of 200M) Woodcutting: 99 / 99 (41 of 200M) Farming: 1 / 99 (0 of 200M) Summoning: 1 / 99 (0 of 200M) Key: Green = Completed, Yellow = In Progress, Red = Not Started Additional Goals Obtain All Slayer Drops Obtain All Boss Pets Obtain All Skilling Pets Obtain All Miscellaneous Pets Complete Barrows Complete Dominion Tower Complete Pest Control Complete Fight Caves Complete Fight Kiln Complete Warrior's Guild Complete Battle Royale Complete Castle Wars Complete Monster Carnage Obtain All Easy Treasure Trail Rewards Obtain All Medium Treasure Trail Rewards Obtain All Hard Treasure Trail Rewards Obtain All Elite Treasure Trail Rewards Obtain All Global Rewards Obtain All Drops from Bosses Obtain Completionist Cape Key: Green = Completed, Yellow = In Progress, Red = Not Started It will be a while before I start anything in the additional goals section. I have always loved giving myself a challenge while I play a video game. I will post a comment when I reach a certain milestone to keep you all informed. Wish me luck! If you ever want to ask me a question, just ask me in game.
    2 points
  2. Hi everyone, my name is Fuel. A little bit about me, I'm 23 years old and I am a mathematics teacher. I teach students in one of the poorest ZIP codes in the United States. Outside of my day job, I enjoy shooting hoops, playing golf, and video games of course. My account is a Hardcore Ironman Legend. I am going to do one skill at a time to 200M Experience before I move on to the next one. If you ever want to chat, feel free to just message me in game. I am on summer break currently, so you will probably see me online quite a bit.
    1 point
  3. Welcome to Ely! That's quite the goal you've set yourself and it will be no easy feat, so best of luck with that. Looking forward to seeing you around in-game.
    1 point
  4. Welcome GAMER, lookin forward to seeing the progression
    1 point
  5. Welcome to the community gamer. What level math you teach
    1 point
  6. Sounds like a pretty rewarding job. Welcome to the community!
    1 point

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