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Showing content with the highest reputation on 6/24/2020 in all areas

  1. Some of you may know me, some may not. My main account is Owl. I've been playing Ely off and on for over two years. I've always loved the server and enjoyed spending time on it. Since getting my current job, I've been working quite a lot. I haven't been able to be online as much these past several months which is why I'm sure a lot of people may not recognize me, unfortunately. I think right now I'm in a place where I think I need to take a break or leave Ely. At the moment I'm leaning towards leaving. My main reasons are: work, need to focus on my real life more, and just lack of things to do in Ely that keep me going. My main thing to do in Ely was skilling but once I hit 5b xp, I kinda hit a wall. I started bossing but that didn't last long. I'd try and help people out as much as I could, do hide and seek games here and there, do giveaways, etc. Now I'm just at a lack of things to keep me wanting to get on. I attempted to do a skilling service to help people get to certain levels or xp in skills. I helped two people which was a lot of fun for me. Having been promoted to Support not too long ago, I've felt the responsibility to get on as much as I could on my free time to help out more. I've been honored to get the position, but at the same time, any time people have requested help or had questions there always seems to be at least one or more people online that are also willing to help. I'm not saying that the support role isn't necessary but there are definitely enough players on that are always willing to help, which is one thing I love about the server. I think my leave will be good for me and I don't think it'll effect the server much at all if any. I'll just be a distant memory to those who actually knew of my existence haha. I'd say I'll still stick around on discord but honestly I basically only use discord for Ely. If anyone would like to keep in touch, feel free to send me a pm on discord (owl#8045). I won't say I will never return but more than likely if at all, it won't be any time soon. I will miss those I've had long deep conversations with and helped each other out with things in game. I love Ely and it's been a nice part to have been a part of in my life.
    2 points
  2. Finding a way to incorporate them into the skill itself could be cool - Utilise the achievements systems (another rework lol) and have it in tiered stages. For example we could have a 4 tier woodcutting achievement centred around chopping X amount of logs - You get each piece of Lumberjack with each tier. As for the shop itself, getting those skilling mystery boxes into it would be the main thing for me so that they could be removed from voting shop.
    1 point
  3. ++++ If my titan is told to attack/summoned while under the monster, it dances around nonstop. Only way to fix is to walk across the room, re summon, and re click familiar attack. Please fix
    1 point
  4. Good luck in life, gamer. You’ll come back eventually. It’s a curse
    1 point
  5. PSH, you'll never be a distant memory to me Owlie - you've been a huge asset to Ely your entire time before & during your Support position. Has been a pleasure working with you, you've been a staple of a player since you joined. Was an awesome journey with ya & hey, RSPS players 99% of the time don't even make it to the 5B mark but you did & once you get there.. yes, there is hardly anything left to accomplish , reach out to me on Discord anytime if you want to discuss stocks
    1 point
  6. noooo, very sad and unfortunate but we will miss you and wish you the best of luck with ur future endeavors
    1 point
  7. It's been great playing the server with you over the years, I can't say that I don't know how you feel haha but these things happen and it's never good to try to force something on yourself. I want to thank you for your time and dedication towards Ely and I wish you all the best in life. I hope to see you again sometime in the future
    1 point
  8. We love you Owl, Take it easy man. Wishing you the best
    1 point
  9. We haven't really spoke a lot but I definitely put this down to timezones and the interactions we've had have always been positive ones! I wish you all the very best with your work and future, good luck
    1 point
  10. Life always takes priority over video-games, We'll always be here if ya ever decide to come back. Best of luck
    1 point
  11. all good things must eventually come to an end, unfortunately. it's been a real hoot owl, so long.
    1 point

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