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  1. Commander Zilyana (Saradomin) Guide About the boss Commander Zilyana is a level 596 boss who resides in the Saradomin area of Godwars Dungeon. Commander Zilyana attacks with very accurate and rapid Melee and Magic attacks, She will only use her Magic attacks at melee distance Commander Zilyana has 3 minions in his boss room that attack with all three styles of combat. How to get to Commander Zilyana To get to Commander Zilyana type Once you have arrived click on the rock to go down into the entrance of the boss room. Click on the door and pay the 500k entrance fee to be teleported into the boss room. If the boss room is occupied you can use the instance there which is 1m coins for Ironmen and 5m coins for regular players. Keep in mind that instances are dangerous and all items will be lost on Death! Gear and Inventory To Fight commander Zilyana you can use any combat style to defeat her. Range is the most popular method as using swift gloves appears to be the most effective. In this guide I will cover all three combat styles and the different methods used with each style. Below I have shown the three setups that I have used in this video. Magic is the most difficult setup as you take more damage using that so I went for a mid tier rather than a welfare setup. Welfare Melee Mid Tier Magic Welfare Range Melee and Range Inventory Magic Inventory The Boss Fight Commander Zilyana has three minions called Starlight, Growler and Bree They all have there own attack styles as shown below. Starlight (Melee) Growler (Magic) Bree (Range) Melee When using Melee to defeat Commander Zilyana the strategy it to protect against magic and activate turmoil and use the steel titan to focus on Bree and Starlight while you take on Zilyana so you take less damage from the minions. Range The strategy with range is to protect against melee and activate rigour and run around the boss room keeping at a distance from Commander Zilyana while using the titan to focus on Growler and Bree so you take less damage. Magic The Strategy with Magic is very similar to range where you protect from melee and use Augury and run around the boss room keeping at a distance from Commander Zilyana while using the titan to focus on Growler and Bree so you take less damage. With the magic setup you also want to take advantage of when the minions are close to each other as the multi blood barrage attack can hit them both healing you for more hitpoints. The Lootations Commander Zilyana has good drop table which consists of the Saradomin Hilt used to make the Saradomin Godsword which is great for ironmen as the special attack heals you hitpoints by what you hit. Commander Zilyana also drops the Armadyl Crossbow along with the Saradomin's Whisper, Murmur and Hiss. The minions all have the same drop table and drop rate as shown below. Commander Zilyana Minions Video Demonstration Below is a video demonstration of all three combat styles being used to defeat Commander Zilyana using the gear as explained above. Melee f2Ii4YN7lU.mp4 Range 7nsTaAOaSI.mp4 Magic 9bodudtECN.mp4
    2 points
  2. nex solo hardcore ironman.mp4 Nex solo on the Hardcore. If this post gets 25 reactions I will upload a video of me doing Nex in Full Armadyl or maybe even Black Dragonhide you guys can decide. Nex Guide Coming Very Soon!
    2 points
  3. Kalphite Queen Guide About the boss The Kalphite Queen has a combat level of 333, each form has 2550 Hitpoints, and her Ranged and Magic attacks have very high accuracy. She may also use a decently accurate Melee attack. The Queen has two forms: the first, she is an immense scarab beetle, and in her second, a giant wasp. She switches forms ONLY after the first has been fully defeated. As a beetle, she is extremely resistant to Magic and Ranged attacks, as indicated by her overhead prayers. As a wasp, she is resistant to Melee attacks although it is still viable to use melee on both phases when using a steel titan as its special attacks do range damage. Kalphite Queen DOES NOT require you to be on a slayer task in order to defeat it. How to get to Kalphite Queen To get to Kalphite Queen do Once you arrive click on the tunnel below to enter the Kalphite lair Once in the lair run south and you will find the Kalphite Queen. there is not currently an instance for this boss at the moment but I believe one will be added soon. Gear and Inventory To fight the Kalphite Queen you are going to want to use your best melee gear. It is advised to kill Kalphite Queen while on a slayer task so you have the bonus damage but it is not essential and Kalphite queen can still be easily killed without being on task. Divine is not essential but helps reduce the damage received as Kalphite Queen has accurate attacks. Below are examples of High and Mid tear gear that is effective at Kalphite Queen. High Tier Mid Tier For the Inventory you are going to want to take as shown below. The Boss Fight Once you are ready to fight Kalphite Queen teleport there and enter the lair. With the setup above the tactic is to melee the first phase using titan to attack then during the second phase spam the titans special attacks as they do range based damage and will kill the second form quickly. If using a divine you can soulsplit Kalphite Queen but if using a DFS or Dragon Defender then its best to protect against magic. The Lootations Kalphite Queen drops various items such as skilling supplies. The most popular drops are the Primal Spear and the KQ head for the recolouring of the slayer helmet. Video Demonstration Below is a video of me demonstrating how to kill Kalphite Queen as explained above. Kalphite.mp4
    1 point
  4. They don't work for me. Ely does though
    1 point
  5. Definitely risky business on a HC, props for going ahead with making the video! Looking forward to the upcoming kills.
    1 point
  6. Very good video to watch for how the nex fight plays out. I think it would be useful to do a kill in both Arma & Black D'Hide - to show players they don't need to be wearing max gear to be successful.
    1 point
  7. Black dhide? that's too op. no armor?
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. This is lit, solo on HCIM good stuff
    1 point
  10. Part I Getting Started Part II Getting Familiar Part III More Detailed Information
    1 point

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