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Showing content with the highest reputation on 4/28/2020 in all areas

  1. Finally achieved 5b total xp on April 27th at 11:36pm EST. I worked on getting 200m's a long time ago and never thought I'd actually go for max xp. There were too many skills I didn't enjoy or knew would take longer than I wanted to put the time in for. I played off and on for quite awhile until fairly recently deciding to go all in and try to get it. I spent the past several weeks grinding as much as I could, getting the most xp out of each skill that I could find. Often donating to the well, spending tons of gp. Some skills were very quick while others, such as mining, were not. Mining was my very last skill to finish because of the low xp rate. With it being my last skill, I continued to grind because I knew I was so close. And now here I am, having finally finished all skills. I'm so happy. I never thought I'd go for it or be able to have the time to invest in getting it done. It's such a relief but also sad because I love skilling and getting more xp. Now I won't be able to get anymore xp on my account.. I would like to thank those who sold me agility tickets so that I could train other skills while still being able to work on agility. Without you all, I would have had to spend a lot more time working on it. I also want to thank those who offered me advice along the way. And lastly, I want to thank those were supported me in general along the way and those few who showed up to my 5b achievement. It's greatly appreciated. P.s. Ely best
    3 points
  2. Flower Poker Tournament! I will be hosting a flower poker tournament this Friday (01/05/20) at 10PM GMT+1/5PM EST. First Place - 5$ scroll + 5 Super Mystery Boxes Second Place - 5 Super Mystery Boxes Third Place - 2 Super Mystery Boxes How the game works? Its simple! There will be a randomized bracket for everyone, then i will call out for the two people contesting to go. You will then stand next to each other and plant 5 flowers each, who ever has the best plant wins! It will be the best of 3. For the Flower poker guide click here. Guide
    1 point
  3. Congratulations on 5 billion virtual experience points! Huge achievement
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. Incredible stuff, glad I was there GL on comp!
    1 point
  6. Congrats Owl! Good job
    1 point
  7. as i already promised to jordan heres my suggestion. jordan has tried a few times to get a event going around the battle royale minigame. i think this is a very fun minigame but not many players like it. i think it does need some rework to get more players involved. 1. game duration: currently the games just take way too long if you get killed in de early rounds you have to wait for 10 to 15 minutes before you can start a new one. even for me its very hard to bring up such a long time waiting. in batte royale games you have the option to leave the game and start a new one. since we dont have that many players i would suggest lowering the zone times. 2. looting (early stages): in the games i played, it was very hard to get to decent loot in the early stages. i would increase the drops and add more barrows stuff etc (i will come back to this later). 3. Mid game: Mid game you normally start killing people, also at this time the loot boxes start to appear. however not many of them spawn. for the lucky player that can get to it will receive barrows and barrage stuff. creating a huge gap between the others (most people will run around with rune and possibly dragon). my suggestion here is to increase the amount of crates which spawn. 4. end game: as i already mentioned the barrows gears dont spawn often and when you can get your hands on it. you are certain of a win since the gap with most players is insane. imo opinion in every battle royale game atleast 60% should have similair gear. when players have similair gear, skill of pking is required to win and not just full on luck. for the end game i would suggest to add a higher chance in boxes to appear high tier gear. i hope i have summed it up properply to able to adress this minigame. i think theres alot of potential and fun but as it is now i dont see many players playing it.
    1 point
  8. Battle Royale is a fun minigame with some great rewards that require many games to complete, I fully support these suggestions as it can be near impossible to get consecutive games of BR going due to the fact that nobody wants to wait. My personal input would be this: Scattered Loot: Instead of offering the likes of Green D'hide, Leather and other low tier items, start at a 45 Defence and above setup (as the unlucky gear). Include miscellaneous Barrows as more common gear, alternative weapons (SoL, Crossbows, Whips) with chest loot being pushed towards tier 65 gear (Barrows, Armadyl, special weapons etc). End Zone: The end zone is what is the issue with BR. People will run around consistently refilling their food supply with the shop or ladder hopping between floors to avoid being hit. While disabling the ladders in the end zone may be a bit more difficult to achieve, force the zone to shrink until it is a 2x2 square to force the last contenders to fight (size could vary). Alongside forcing them to fight, disable the shop in the final zone to avoid people consistently refilling their food supply; dragging these games out for a considerable time.
    1 point
  9. Congratulations Owl, such a major achievement! So what's the next goal then?
    1 point
  10. Once again, Congrats Man. That's a pretty decent achievement you have pulled off. Now? Legend Account Kidding. Good luck starting comp requirements.
    1 point

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