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Showing content with the highest reputation on 3/29/2020 in all areas

  1. Owner Lation - Pretty decent, always gets on server fixes and issues fast. All around awesome guy and love his energy. Matt - n/a Developer Splash / Hardcore - Slash is very knowledgeable. Very nice person. Administrators Kari - Always helpful and fun. Luke - n/a Event Manager Jordan - A- for Jordan. It could be an A+ if he changes his ingame name lol. Server Moderator Kemi - Kemi is a fantastic person always full of energy. Ultsonofares - Fantastic person Nelly - A++ Nelly is always there to help no matter what.
    2 points
  2. Enjoy nerds Owner Lation - Great owner. Making the best of our current situation by putting out content and giving the players what they want for the most part. Other than the fact that he likes women, he's alright. Matt - Hardly ever active in game, but I'm sure bts he's doing alot of coding and developing when needed. We aren't really shown who works on what on a regular basis, so he is hard to critique. Developer Splash / Hardcore - When he does make models, they're always good. We haven't had content that adds custom models in a while, but they have never failed to impress. Event Manager Jordan - Good event manager, he just needs to ability to do more than just PVM based events. Not everyone on the server wants to do those, and I think the title "event manager" should come with more than just what he currently has. I would highly recommend referring to my thread on weekday events, if you guys need ideas. Administrators Kari - Head to head with Kemi for most active staff member, he has been around since the beginning and does everything an admin should do, in-game and out. Luke - He isn't always around, due to IRL responsibilities, but getting to know him since RSPS2, I know how much he cares about the players and the work he does for this server. 100% deserves to be an admin. LOGIN MORE NERD. Server Moderator Kemi - Easily the most active staff member, and in my opinion, the one I know the best. He has helped me time and time again on my Legend grind, among other things. You would be a fool to ever remove him from this staff team. Ultsonofares - Currently undergoing one of the most impressive grinds on this server, Sono is always kind, always patient with new players, and is deserving of his spot as a Moderator. Although he's prejudice towards Patrons, I guess I like him. Nelly - One of the most knowledgable players on the server as far as its mechanics go. There is almost no question he can't answer about the PVM and skilling aspects of Ely. I would refer to him for any question I have (and have done so on multiple occasions).
    2 points
  3. Hello staff team, I believe the event manager should have access to more than just a 10% drop rate for one specific monster, for an hour. Someone with an actual title should have more abilties (and responsibilities) than this. I understand the role was just released, but I would like to ask that you take a look at my post that I made in the past about weekday events that could definitely be ported to a 1-hour event instead, making it significantly way less OP, which was the general concensus when I originally posted. Check it out here: Thank you for reading and considering this option.
    1 point
  4. I think this would be great since a lot of people dont like all the bossing events, as Callum stated more mini-game abilities would be great so we dont have to wait for Saturdays only for them to be worth while doing The suggested events: Double charms drops! All monsters will yield 2x their normal charms drops in all applicable situations. Dont see a problem with this since charms are easy to come by any ways Double skilling points day! Today you will earn 2x the normal amount of skilling points. Great for easy game mode! Another one which is nice for newer players wanting the outfits, also super easy to come by Double slayer points! If ,you're a casual or everyday slayer, this is the event for you! Grind out those points before the day ends! Nice event for players wanting their cannons to slay! Donor trial day! Every Tuesday all non-donors will have access to the donator zone to give it a try and see if they would like to donate! 5$ Isnt much to donate/save up for ingame and theres plenty of ways to see the great benefits in-game without this All drops are noted today! This is advantageous for players who slay, boss, or just in general kill monsters that have annoying non-noted drops! Kind of op for some areas of them, not sure this should be one tbh Today you will see increased spawn rates for the Wildywyrm, Shooting Star, and Evil tree public events! Get grinding. Would love this one, would make people want to kill the wyrm and go for stars etc! Increased pet chance day! Get out there and get yourself that skilling/boss pet you've always wanted today! GREAT idea this one since a lot like going for pets and i dont find very harmful to the game
    1 point
  5. I could support additional powers to Event Managers. Given that a lot of the time many players are standing around unless it's the weekend, mid-week events could be something to break that spell. Even if it was a further variety of bosses/minigames involvement, it would be an incentive to bring the community together again to complete goals and interact.
    1 point
  6. I agree that the pet being obtainable would be a major feature to making Nex more interesting, especially for those who hunt the Collection Log completion. I personally would like to see the ramp fixed: make it so that you can't bypass the doors Frozen Key requirement to instantly drop into the lair. On the topic of the Frozen Key; limit it to five uses for 5M an attempt at Nex to further increase the gold sink. Minions could definitely use a fix too to make the boss function correctly, these could also do with a few drop reworks of some better class Skilling items so that those who don't obtain a drop from the boss in a mass can walk away with some loot. Nex could do with an addition of drop (s) that are a 1/1 similar to Graetoriax always offering gold. Given that supplies can add up over time with the addition of the Key, unless you pull a Nex item then the boss is a major loss in both gold and time which puts a lot of people off fighting her. Completely agree with the Damage Cap. Whilst the kills are pretty standard as of right now (10+ minutes depending on gear/team size), it is rare to find a team that want to do Nex outside of an event. This would make this boss more bearable to solo.
    1 point
  7. Agreed pet does need fixing for the drop table, the potion drops do need removing, maybe with the herb and cut gems as well and replacing with 100 dstones 100 addy or 100 rune bars 10+mins per kill that seems fair for the drops imo. possibly removing the damage cap too? just to make it nicer to kill since a ton of people find it draggy
    1 point
  8. Never done one of these thought id give some feedback myself Owner Lation - Doing an amazing job at keeping things going and making sure shit gets done, and its definitely working out great for the server and its keeping everyone happy Matt - Doing a great job with the updates coming out smoothly, keep it up Developer Splash / Hardcore - Loving the work you're doing at the moment and have definitely come a long way from when i first saw your work, keep doing what you're doing sploosh Administrators Kari - Hes a big gae, but he is the heart of the server and always does his best with the work coming out, finally hes a "real" dev and can do a lot more which is great Luke - Has become a lot more active and doing more for the server since this corona issue however would be great to see you more often once it all goes away. Server Moderator Kemi - Biggest nerd of them all however is a great mod and helps whenever he can. Ultsonofares - sono is a grinder for sure and is the #1 legend going, great guy and helps out tons Nelly - Doing a great job on the server and definitely the best person for the role, super helpful and a great player!
    1 point

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