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  1. Sorry I'm late! I think the responses to this thread have been accurate and good quality overall. I agree with most of them. Because of that, most of the things I would have said have already been posted, but I'll go ahead and add a shortened version of my responses anyway. What do you really think of Ely in its current state? - Ely has come a long way since I joined way back. There's good sides and bad sides to that statement, but I think overall, it has improved more than it has declined. In its current state, we have a small playerbase, a flooded economy, and infrequent updates. BUT - the content we do have is great, the staff care about the server, and it has a lot of replayability. That being said, the current state of the server isn't as bad as it could be, but definitely has a ton of room for improvement. What makes you come back to play everyday? - I wish I could say that I DO still play every day. However, I don't because of some of the above issues. I commend anyone who is still around on Ely from when it started. When I was playing every day though, it was the grind that made me login every day. I've achieved most of my goals now though, and the ones I have left just aren't fun to go for when you're 1 of 10 people online. I know I'm being harsh, but I don't want to be dishonest. What would you really like to see in the future of Ely? -What I want to see the most is for these monthly boxes to go away. I understand that the server needs donations for upkeep and to pay the staff, but the amount of money that they bring in isn't equivalent to the amount of content/updates that we're currently seeing. They also ruin the economy, and make endgame level PVM almost obsolete. Players with the most IRL money run the economy, and I'm not a fan of that. As far as what else would be nice in the future is more frequent updates. I'm sure we don't know everything that's going on behind the scenes, but the lack of content that we're seeing is getting to a pretty bad point. Any comments of issues you think are currently concerning? -I wish that not every announcement in the #announcements channel on Discord wasn't about mystery boxes or limited edition donator items. I myself have donated several thousands dollars to the server, so I'm not saying donating is a bad thing, but (for the most part) it's all we see in that channel. I know we can do better as a server. If the content and playerbase is there, donations will follow. More for the oldies that have parted with Ely - What does Ely need for you to come back and play again? -Just stop flooding the economy with items, maybe add Comp Cape (t), and an update once every 2 weeks or so would be awesome. I love the server, and think it's the best 718 I have ever played on, but it needs work in its current state. What made you part ways from playing Ely? - I haven't parted ways, and I don't think I ever will. I think Ely is an escape for alot of people, and that's one of the things I love about it. I hope that never changes. Let's make Ely great again (no meme) Love, Kyle Edit: I would really like to see updates that the community suggest, and not stuff the staff team thinks is cool.
    1 point
  2. i havent been a member to this server for long but i feel like i should say something 1. ive noticed this type of fall out in other servers and not one of them came up a few shut down...i dont want that to happen. 2. player base is key to prevent the enevitable. why do you think osrs is still a thing? 3. donations shouldnt have that much freedom i feel if you got the money so what? thats preventing new players to join up. it did with me for a few servers. 4. you want this to work? you have to work together, this is the most important of them all. we all got skills we maybe able to help in a way when times are tough. 5. delete this post if you so choose as i have had a few and its not my place but those bare essentials are prime for anyone trying to get anywhere.
    1 point

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