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  1. What do you really think of Ely in its current state? I think Ely is a shell of what it once was. It's a mystery box filled private server clone and updates are slow af. When I stepped down from the staff team the second time I told myself I was only going to log in when I felt like playing, because having so many afk people at home looks bad, and I didn't want to contribute to that any more. That's when I realized I had zero motivation to keep playing. What makes you come back to play everyday? I only ever log in at this point to check in and see how everyone's doing. I don't play the game at all when I get on. What would you really like to see in the future of Ely? Less RNG-based donation items. Things like the Partyhat Box, "Exclusive" Mystery Boxes; or these new packs like the "Wealthy Pack" for $500... These items in my opinion show a total disregard for the well-being of your player-base and the well-being of Ely and it shows. The economy is terrible, and it's to the point where I wouldn't be opposed to an economy reset but it seems pointless unless there are some serious changes made to the game. I'd also really like it if the client wouldn't automatically enter your info into whatever your active window is, this is a security threat for people in the middle of typing something. And fix fucking farming. It's been almost 2 years and tree patches still bug-out and become unusable forever. Any comments of issues you think are currently concerning? I feel that Ely is very focused on donations, and donator-centered updates. I think the ;;bank command is completely p2w and very blatant about it. I believe only Admin+ should have that ability. I think the limited-time "exclusive" mystery boxes are disingenuous and downright terrible. They use artificial scarcity to push you into buying them before they're all gone. "They're sooo overpowered you gotta get em quick! " -Owner of Dreamscape There is no reason these boxes have to stop being available after the month is over, or limited to 100..? 150..? 180..? per week, but if they didn't try to rush you into buying them A lot of effort is spent coordinating these boxes each month and balancing them before release, and I think this time could be better spent on other updates. What does Ely need for you to come back and play again? Listen to everything everyone in this thread is saying. These are the people who care, the people who will keep the game alive, if you give them reason to. What made you part ways from playing Ely? Up until about 6 months ago I was living a pretty sweet neet life. I would go to work full time but I lived at home and had zero bills. Money wasn't important to me so I spent a fair amount of it on Ely. I can't do that anymore and the game stopped being fun when I stopped being able to donate, which is the root of the problem that Ely needs to remedy, in my opinion. I have so many amazing memories with amazing friends I made on this game, and I really feel that it had a positive influence on my life to some degree, and it really sucks to see the game in such bad shape after being gone only a few months
    5 points
  2. Sorry I'm late! I think the responses to this thread have been accurate and good quality overall. I agree with most of them. Because of that, most of the things I would have said have already been posted, but I'll go ahead and add a shortened version of my responses anyway. What do you really think of Ely in its current state? - Ely has come a long way since I joined way back. There's good sides and bad sides to that statement, but I think overall, it has improved more than it has declined. In its current state, we have a small playerbase, a flooded economy, and infrequent updates. BUT - the content we do have is great, the staff care about the server, and it has a lot of replayability. That being said, the current state of the server isn't as bad as it could be, but definitely has a ton of room for improvement. What makes you come back to play everyday? - I wish I could say that I DO still play every day. However, I don't because of some of the above issues. I commend anyone who is still around on Ely from when it started. When I was playing every day though, it was the grind that made me login every day. I've achieved most of my goals now though, and the ones I have left just aren't fun to go for when you're 1 of 10 people online. I know I'm being harsh, but I don't want to be dishonest. What would you really like to see in the future of Ely? -What I want to see the most is for these monthly boxes to go away. I understand that the server needs donations for upkeep and to pay the staff, but the amount of money that they bring in isn't equivalent to the amount of content/updates that we're currently seeing. They also ruin the economy, and make endgame level PVM almost obsolete. Players with the most IRL money run the economy, and I'm not a fan of that. As far as what else would be nice in the future is more frequent updates. I'm sure we don't know everything that's going on behind the scenes, but the lack of content that we're seeing is getting to a pretty bad point. Any comments of issues you think are currently concerning? -I wish that not every announcement in the #announcements channel on Discord wasn't about mystery boxes or limited edition donator items. I myself have donated several thousands dollars to the server, so I'm not saying donating is a bad thing, but (for the most part) it's all we see in that channel. I know we can do better as a server. If the content and playerbase is there, donations will follow. More for the oldies that have parted with Ely - What does Ely need for you to come back and play again? -Just stop flooding the economy with items, maybe add Comp Cape (t), and an update once every 2 weeks or so would be awesome. I love the server, and think it's the best 718 I have ever played on, but it needs work in its current state. What made you part ways from playing Ely? - I haven't parted ways, and I don't think I ever will. I think Ely is an escape for alot of people, and that's one of the things I love about it. I hope that never changes. Let's make Ely great again (no meme) Love, Kyle Edit: I would really like to see updates that the community suggest, and not stuff the staff team thinks is cool.
    2 points
  3. i havent been a member to this server for long but i feel like i should say something 1. ive noticed this type of fall out in other servers and not one of them came up a few shut down...i dont want that to happen. 2. player base is key to prevent the enevitable. why do you think osrs is still a thing? 3. donations shouldnt have that much freedom i feel if you got the money so what? thats preventing new players to join up. it did with me for a few servers. 4. you want this to work? you have to work together, this is the most important of them all. we all got skills we maybe able to help in a way when times are tough. 5. delete this post if you so choose as i have had a few and its not my place but those bare essentials are prime for anyone trying to get anywhere.
    2 points
  4. What do you really think of Ely in its current state? I haven't played in while but the times that I have been on even for an hour or so I belive Ely is in the worst state so far. Player count is down to its lowest and the people that are on are either bankstanding or afking at home. Updates seem to be on a back burner even just bi-weekly updates like the small update we just had. boxes seem to be playing a huge part of Ely's survival atm but looking on the store and still seeing some monthly boxes remaining shows to me that the boxes aren't doing as well as they once where. What makes you come back to play everyday? N/A cos I'm MIA What would you really like to see in the future of Ely? I would like to see a OSRS version of Ely and I know that was under construction a long time ago but seemed to have died off. I would love to see the streams again like before when FPSMerk came on Ely and I believe that would also help revive Ely as player count was hitting all times highs of 50+ and the server was popping. Some type of mass boss or Minigame events. I remember we did have a few Minigames events at Castle Wars (still No.1 CWars players BTW) and even all the way back when Ely was a new server Alot of us would camp corp beast. Now there doesn't seem to be any real interaction between players other then new players asking where something is. Any comments of issues you think are currently concerning? The turn around of players on Ely has always been a concern of mine. What does Ely need for you to come back and play again? Having something more to do. I know the collection log came out awhile ago and that could be something I could be working towards but I never really got into doing it. One thing that I know will bring me back is the Comp cape (T) its been in discussion of this server for a long time and a very controversial topic within the player base at to what should be part of it and shouldn't as its to much of a grind to do certain suggestions but now it seems to have become a grind just waiting on the release of it. Everytime a OSRS boss has been added into Ely I've returned for a little while but not for as long as I hoped. Seeing more OSRS content will defo keep me coming back. What made you part ways from playing Ely? Tbh I basiclly did everything I wanted to. I achieved 200m exp in all stats and Got my Comp cape but even after that I still stayed and got my alt to 4bil total exp. I think with alot of other OG's leaving Ely and the server once active community full of players bossing together and standing at home but actually talking it seems to be gone. before I stopped playing it turned into a place full of charecters just afking and even the few times I have logged back onto Ely its the same thing I may to one or two people saying Hi but thats about it. I hope that one day I do just wake up and find that spark that I once had to play Ely every day and I hope that others to do but I feel like alot of OG's have drifted to far away now and to anyone that reads this even though yes im english im retarded and there is probs spelling mistakes everywhere. so enjoy.
    2 points
  5. What do you think of Ely in it's current state: Ely in its current state has gone down a lot since i joined like almost 2 years ago? The Eco has been completely fucked from these monthly boxes and you can buy basically everything in game in the shop with real money so no point in even grinding things anymore for most people which makes half the content useless. What makes you come back to play everyday: Currently nothing at all is bringing me back to play ely everyday, But when i did play the community was basically the only thing that brought me to log in everyday. What would you like to see in the future: weekly/bi-weekly updates like were told we would be getting since the beginning would be nice to see. More care for the community in a way and maybe listen to them sometimes instead of muting when you don't feel like hearing it anymore (not saying names or pointing anyone in particular out). Maybe some more community events to bring people together and have a bit of fun. What made you part ways from Ely: Ely just isn't like how it used to be and i stopped enjoying logging in everyday because of it. Will i ever come back probably not. poorly written will update add to later and sorry i know im not the nicest player in game
    2 points
  6. What do you think of Ely in it's current state: Ely has been on the decline for quite some time. As hard as it is to say that it is a fact. The regulars have nothing to do and the new players just aren't staying. Whether that be an issue linked to Player Counts, Content, or just not a fan of how we act as a community is something we just don't know. Whilst there is a complete understanding of the real life scenarios involved with Developers (and anybody in general) having full time jobs, without consistency of content Ely will not bounce back. We're currently being kept alive by the regulars and the Monthly Exclusive Boxes, but that is not a business model that will continue to thrive and keep Ely going. As noticed with some of the recent Boxes (January especially) the Boxes are staying in there for quite some time. Ely has been my home since it first started; following Lation across sources and watching this source grow has been fantastic. But in the current state of things and the limited desire for any players to actually play the game, I can't see it lasting for much longer. What makes you come back to play everyday: Truthfully, nothing. Even as a Moderator and as a regular, Ely is rapidly becoming a last resort to fill my boredom. As others have noticed, maybe its repetitive habit, addiction, the thrill of calling Kemi a nerd on a daily basis? As somebody who would never usually AFK, I spend all my time on Ely doing it now because of lack of interest which is sad. Any time I spend in-game is talking to friends I have here, but it is becoming more difficult to see when anybody is online nowadays. What would you like to see in the future: There's plenty of things that Ely could do that would motivate a lot of players. Me personally, a fresh start. Whether this be in the form of an OSRS variant, a complete reset of the Economy and Levels or a subsidiary server that's focused more on developing a more realistic Runescape-esque game (Quests, Minigames, DnDs, Adventurers Log etc). I think what Ely truly needs is content to motivate and link it's sectors. Right now, it is far too easy to complete and becomes a repetitive task. Any comments or issues that are currently concerning: Whilst I understand that everybody is busy with real life and that Matt and Lation have some things planned to revitalise Ely, it's concerning that it may be a bit too late. It does get joked about quite a lot but Ely is incredibly limited with the Updates that actually occur (and whether or not they're even wanted in-game). It is rather concerning that it has taken this long to realise that another Developer is required given how long Ely has been going on for. What does Ely need for you to come back and play again: Take this from someone who was here from day 1, left and came back. I initially returned to Ely because not only did my time free up, but I noticed in my absence that a couple of new updates released. The main thing that brought me back was seeing all of the old familiar faces from the beginning and the warm welcome home, but many of those faces have left and I don't actually know if anything could bring me back to playing full-time again. What made you part ways from Ely: Initially, it was a timing issue. My schedule was too busy and I didn't have the time to log in and grind all night. That is slowly becoming the case again but it is moreso down to the lack of motivation to actually do anything in-game. Any time I spend in-game now is just stockpiling gold for no reason other than I'm bored. Quite a long read but hopefully you'll have got something useful from it. Ely will always be a home for most of us, but with no considerable change very soon I truthfully see it's decline speeding up.
    2 points
  7. 1 point
  8. What do you really think of Ely in its current state? As a new player of Ely I feel like this server has a lot of potential but in its current state it lacks a lot of things. As a hardcore ironman my goal was to get the completionist Cape without dying which I have recently achieved. Throughout my journey there I have noticed that the majority of players online are afk or just stand at home talking as they have nothing to do. Since reaching my goal I no longer feel that motivated to play as I feel I have covered the majority of the content and that difficult content such as grinding nex does not appeal to me as I have had no struggle with the current bosses with my current gear and the time and effort it would take to get one kill for a chance at a drop just isn't worth it. I also don't feel like getting 5b xp as once I achieve it I will be in the same position I am in now. What makes you come back to play everyday? The players who currently play the server. This server has a real family feel to it where all the players I have spoken to are really friendly and welcoming. I also liked the idea of having a hardcore ironman with endgame gear which I have achieved some of that already but even with these two things it is difficult to come back every day sometimes. What would you really like to see in the future of Ely? I think doing polls for updates would be an amazing idea as this will make the players feel more involved in the server and this will attract new players to stay if they feel like the owner acknowledges what they want. I think advertising is also a big thing and it would be nice to see more content put out there to make the server more known. I also agree with the fact that everything that is obtainable by donating should be available in game as this sucks for an ironman and can be demotivating.
    1 point
  9. Haha you were actually the inspiration for me to make this guide!
    1 point

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