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  1. So after a very long time playing Ely, i cant help but notice the change of the server and how things are going at the minute. A lot of oldies no longer play and everyone just seems so distance from what once was an amazing server to play. In my opinion Ely really just doesn't feel the same anymore and I want to find out what everyone thinks of this. Please no memes or shit talk, i just want a complete honest truth from everyone about what they think of the server/how its run etc. Please answer these if you have time What do you really think of Ely in its current state? What makes you come back to play everyday? What would you really like to see in the future of Ely? Any comments of issues you think are currently concerning? More for the oldies that have parted with Ely - What does Ely need for you to come back and play again? What made you part ways from playing Ely? I just really dont want to see Ely go into the ground, a lot of people have put a huge amount of time into the game because they love the game and people within it. However at the rate its going its just being forgotten about more each day. I dont see anyone really wanting to do anything in-game, as it lacks the enthusiasm like it had beforehand. I really hope things will change.
    5 points
  2. What do you really think of Ely in its current state? As of lately, I find Ely to be in some kind of slumber, Average Online player Count slowly but steadily Decreasing, Most of OG's are gone and it is for a reason. I hear a lot of players complaining somewhat about the Supposed "Lack"of updates, I'm not completely disagreeing with them But I'm also not agreeing. It is somewhat true that we lack updates in the past month or so, But the Almost fully maxed comped mains running around most of the time with no goals and feeling like they completed the game plays a huge rule in bringing down the server morale as a whole. I feel like in the current state of Ely, if it stays this way, I'm not seeing a very bright future. But as Matt mentioned above, Him and Lation have some kind of vision for the server in the near future, and only they know what they have hidden for us updates wise and content wise. What makes you come back to play everyday? It is true that Ely is very unique in it's content and many of our bosses/items are manually coded and not just copied off some Sources, which I find comforting and shows me that the Developers invest time and effort to try and perfect every update before release, I mainly come back everyday to maintain the friendships I made overtime here and Just to go and aim harder towards completing as much as I can from the collection log. What would you really like to see in the future of Ely? What I would really like to see in the near future a steady Updates schedule and a full time developer. I'm not blaming anyone for the lack of updating schedule or for the long time it takes to work in updates. I know that it is hard working with 2 completely different time zones, plus we are not some young dumb teenagers like we once were getting on runescape after school and just spending hours on hours on it and have loads of free time to spare. Developers do have real life jobs that require effort and time and takes most of their days. I really respect them for dedicating time to work on updates from their free time, but it is just simply barely enough to maintain a server, let alone let it grow. So hiring a developer to be mainly focused on helping bringing us new content should be top priority in the near future in my opinion. Any comments of issues you think are currently concerning? I think I've already addressed some of my concerns about the server's stability above, I'd very much hate for Ely to start drifting off. It is true that I haven't been here for a long time (8 months ) In comparison to many other people on here, but from my time here I've learnt and grown a lot and would love for the server to grow and keep growing. I've accepted the staff role for one reason only, and it is to give back to the server that gave me a lot to look forward to everyday when I was simply feeling down or just bored. I'd like to thank all the people that helped make the server great, and Help show new players that this server is a great one. Sorry for the long post, but the current situation of the server has been weighing off on me lately and had to get some stuff out for people to read. Have a good read and a good day everyone
    2 points
  3. What do you really think of Ely in its current state? I know we haven't really had a stable playerbase for a while now, but we see a lot of new players every day, what makes them not want to stick around and give us a chance? It may very well be that they don't stay because the player base is so small, but that's definitely not the only reason, as some do stick around but eventually leave. Why is that? Lack of content? I don't think so as we have a whole lot of things to do. I think we're lacking support for new players, directions on what to do maybe. I know we introduced the training zone for that purpose, but is it enough? Another thing is, as Jordan has mentioned above, I think we should listen more to the community and what they want to see from us. I like the idea of having future updates polled to see the interest from the community, but I have this idea, that we could post a thread on the forums/channel on discord every month strictly for feedback. It could be asking what the players want to see from us, what are we doing wrong, what could we be doing better etc. I'm not going to go into the state of the economy as Jordan has pretty much summed most of it up, but I do have to agree with him. What makes you come back to play everyday? Well, I am a part of the staff team which is mostly why I log in everyday. I've always enjoyed being a part of the server in that way, helping people, helping the higher up staff team. But I have to say, I myself am starting to lose interest in playing, I don't think it's the lack of content to do, but more that I've done a whole lot of everything before, so it's more that I'm tired of playing than anything else. I do however play the game from time to time on my alt accounts. What would you really like to see in the future of Ely? I would really like to see consistent updates, every week/bi weekly, they don't have to be some huge ground breaking content updates, could be smaller bug fixes, QoL updates and stuff like that. Alongside getting some bigger updates every month/other month. I would also really like getting a community member/staff member or multiple, that would be dedicated to hosting events and other fun things to do. Any comments of issues you think are currently concerning? I think one of the most important thing that's missing is the communications between the developement/owner team and the community. Not sure where to fit this under, but we have seen a lot of older players quit, as to why they're gone, I can't really answer that but there's definitely something behind it, and I really want to see if any of them respond to this thread. I think I listed most of the things I think are an issue in the above questions. Thanks.
    2 points
  4. I am probably not the target audience of this post- but I post nonetheless. What do you really think of Ely in its current state? I feel as though it is on the downswing, as most other private servers do. I do also think the generosity of players is hurting the new player base. A new player, on easy mode, joins and on multiple occasions I have seen a rich boi give them some mid-high tier gear. They have nothing to work towards, and they max in 5 hours- or get bored- and quit. What makes you come back to play everyday? The community is fun, and I know I can bullshit with most of the people. What would you really like to see in the future of Ely? I think it is a good server, I myself am just sick of this source. I do not feel like I need to do anything on it. So this question is not really for me. Any comments of issues you think are currently concerning? Monthly boxes are such an interesting thing. They are very nice in terms of getting a boost in donations every month- something I understand is very necessary. But it has flooded the eco with high tier items. In an already low player base, this has had a dramatic affect. Also, with how OP they were right away players got used to it. Now that you are trying to wane off of that a little, players feel as though they aren't worth it. What does Ely need for you to come back and play again? For me, it would need to be a new source. Preferably an OS server. That is probably the only thing that would make me play all out again What made you part ways from playing Ely? As I mentioned before, I have just done this source so much. It doesn't feel like a challenge, I know exactly what to do and when to do it. And things like legend mode aren't a challenge, just more time because I would still be doing all the same things. That's pretty much all I have to say. Ty for reading
    2 points
  5. What do you really think of Ely in its current state? Well, the current state of ely seems to be diminishing in terms of active players, as when I first joined about a year ago. I do worry about the longevity of the server and getting more and more players onto this server to make it more active. Thing is, when new people do join, probably less than 10-15 players are even online which seems to deter a lot of newcomers which is the cold hard truth of it. To add onto this, most players that are online refrain from even trying to help the new meat when they need help. Which leads to maybe one or two people actually showing interest and aid in showing them the ropes of the server. What makes you come back to play everyday? Honestly, I'm not sure at this point as to why... addicted maybe, filling a void of boredom; At this point, I've already achieved everything I've wanted to so logging in just helps me pass some time when I can I guess. I do enjoy logging in and trying to help players as much as possible, seeing what other players are up too and how active the server is. What would you really like to see in the future of Ely? I'd like to see the server grow and have upwards of 30+ concurrent active players at a time and people actually enjoying there stay, as well as, putting in the time and effort on all this new content being brought into the game. In terms of changing how things work to getting more players or improving game quality, I have no opinion. Not sure what to even suggest or what could be done Any comments of issues you think are currently concerning? I know there has been times where there was loads of people online but I think a lot of new people or old like to move onto better things ie: new servers, jobs, LIFE! Also, this ties into the last part, being burnt out from the server in general, not striving for new goals or whatever it may be. It's really unfortunate that the dev team do such a great job and put so much effort into new content such as : gorillas, ruins of grae, ZULRAH etc... and all of these updates are dead content. I've scarcely seen anyone grinding any of these 3 at all. I think there has to be changes to these bosses, whether it be changes to the hp/mechanics or evne drop rates ( but then again we don't to have a influx of drops that are worthless and no market for them) keeping the bosses somewhat relevant and alive. Most people who try to do any of these complain of the difficulty of these or how long it takes to kill and basically give up and move on. There is only a handful of players who actually will do this content and the ones that do dont have max gear so this is in part of the difficulty situation.
    2 points
  6. Times change Concept change Server Changes. People come and people go. this Quality is high. [5:15 PM] But. ... but... how do i put this into words hold on. [5:17 PM] rsps has people playing course number 1 There computer does not support new revisions. 2. they seek an uniquely different experience. thus is may or may not hold hardcore grinders. or they seek a community that fits them. problem is people get to bored quickly and good solutions take more time. [5:19 PM] Are people patient enough. and what can you introduce that would make change In all honesty I have no clue what to say that would change it in any basic way this I will think about for us all. thank you. and i will cook my dinner. matt you are an amzing developer and the owner lation and i have much in common. i hope you guys make the best. and that the developer may motivate us all. Kind regards Chica
    2 points
  7. Lation and I do have the future of Ely in mind and are working on resolving issues now. Since I've taken on a job IRL, we will be finding a full-time content developer. Curious to hear any additional feedback...
    2 points
  8. HI and welcome to my guide Today we're going to learn how to train the Hunter Skill All rates are based on NO xp boost being active except the Yaktwee stick The items you will need are 2-3 bird snares, a butterfly net and butterfly jars. You can switch out the butterfly net for a Yaktwee stick that acts like a butterfly net and gives bonus xp. You can get the Yaktwee stick from the skilling rewards shop by typing ::shops ingame and it costs 4k skilling points. You can get all the items from Artimeus, located inside the shop west of Edge Bank Remember to use your Voting tickets for 10 minutes of 50% bonus xp! At level 1 catch crimson swifts until level 9 or 35 At level 9 catch copper longtails until level 15 or 35 At level 15 catch ruby harvest until level 35 At level 35 catch snowy knights until level 45 or 99/200m (These give agility xp upon catch) At level 45 catch black warlocks until level 99/200m (If you're a donator) Level 1 - 9/15/35 Level 9 - 15/35 Level 15 - 35 Level 35 - 45/99/200m Level 45 - 99/200m Kthxbai
    1 point
  9. What do you really think of Ely in its current state? Personally i think its crippling drastically and the developers/owners need a good step back and just look at what everything is like in game wise. The community is key to an rsps and thats what makes the game what it is. If anything was good to come from this, id like to suggest something on the lines of what the osrs team does with their updates and fixes etc. This is polling any content and problems with the game and letting the community decide what they'd like to see come into the game. For example: The bots that got added were something that no one had no idea about, and myself and load of others didn't really see the point in those. Don't get me wrong they're a cool idea which can have a good outcome, but are they really necessary to what Ely REALLY needs. What makes you come back to play everyday? I've been around since 2012 and I've always come back for the friendships I've made, It's always great playing together and going for collection logs, racing towards milestones etc. What would you really like to see in the future of Ely? I would really like to see weekly, even every other week updates/bug fixes/events. This is someone that keeps players active, motivated and always looking forward to something to do within the game. Id also like to see something done about the economy of the server and the way donations/boxes are done (since these are a huge factor of a messed up eco). Any comments of issues you think are currently concerning? Currently i dont like the way some gear items are only are from donations, this is something that should never happen within an rsps (pay2win) People love to play the game legitimately and without donating anything, and this is hard when most of the top tier items aren't even obtainable. For instance, iron men are a huge thing in rs nowadays and with ely every one of them hit this huge wall that stops that. Nex is another one that i really think needs looking into, i know this is a very controversial thing and ive discussed it before, however this is an rsps and people would love it so much more if it would be easier to do that boss, no player wants to spend 45 minutes (with basic mid tier gear) fighting nex, its simply not worth it. Thank you.
    1 point
  10. I’ve wanted a new home for ages now and think it’ll be great to have to lighten the server more, I’ve never really like the home we have now due to being soo squashed and hard for newer players to get around. Completely support this
    1 point
  11. Completely agree with both suggestions, those things are way to easy to get and too strong for mostly everything, they’ve taken over the server. Nerf pls. secondly I agree with the bow being buffed, especially being from ruins this bow doesn’t hardly live up to its name, and really it’s just worth using the zbow for the cost difference and basically being the same. support!
    1 point
  12. you will reach me. as i always listen and read topics. i can anwer your question does giving wealth demotivate and the answer is depends. my journey on this server is very hard. even more so when people expect you to put in ridiculous amounts of money as a skiller like 10 million gp for a magic seed despite this i have plenty of them like about 30 of them. yes i have been gifted the bunny ears. and the infernal edze and the infernal pickaxe and hatchet upgrades i got as well. this has actually motivated me as for Skillers there is not much diverse Methods of really good cash. despide this my account is 1,5 years old with about 6 months leave due to boredom. i must admit it has not at all been a easy task keeping my self motivated at this time but i do the best i can. i earned about 330 million gp as a skiller most of it came selling vote tickets.(best source of income for skiller.) i really hoped that more skiller friendly content get introduced but lation has told me this will never happen and i am content with this (this is why i am so doubtful sending what i want to see added to ely but since this is what is asked i shell mention it here as i know the owners dont want a skillers server. tho skillers there may be. they want it pvm and so it is. for 718 skiller server there are better servers out there for skillers who name i wont mention and i have been there. they offer completionist cape for skillers max cape for skillers and more. a 10 phase prestige system where you earn a boost with when earned 200m exp in 1 skill this seems to work great.) i worked to p9 on that server so 9x 200m exp on there hardest mode and the server hold about 16-40 people daily. other words it was fun but they are what they are and so is ely. but hee if you ask a skiller what they want the answer is evident. hope this satisfy
    1 point
  13. nice guide karebear
    1 point
  14. 1 point

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