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  1. Guide to killing Harbinger Xrul THIS BOSS IS INSTANCED SO DON'T BRING ANYTHING YOU DON'T WANT TO LOSE ::Tele ruins Starting out with GEAR so you can bring up to 3+1 (protect item prayer) of you're best items that you will want to keep on death then I'd suggest the rest untradeables, also being on task is very helpful for killing harbinger IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED TO BRING A DIVINE TO REDUCE INCOMING DAMAGE AND REDUCE THE SPECIAL ATTACK FROM HARBINGER FROM - 600 TO 420 - good starting point for very minimal risk this is an example of low risk gear setup with protect item ON bandos godsword is for lowering defence on harbinger, can also be swapped for a dragon warhammer Best gear setup for on/off tasks (higher risk) Next will be inventory setup An inventory like this will be just fine, but you could swap out some rocktails for more brews, or play around with your own setup to figure out what works best for you (could also swap out dragon claws for dragon dagger which can nearly 3/4 spec drake) Getting your killcount and altar bonus To start your joruney to the killing harbinger xrul you need to get your killcount so head over to ::Tele ruins and talk to General Grisis who will give you two options of rooms to work towards your killcount in So if you are soloing its 5 killcount to enter the boss room, for duo you need a total of 10 killcount split between you and your partner (so 5kc ea person in that party) - Alternatively, you could use void soulstones which will be straight entry (skip killcount) to the fight ~ soulstones can be bought from slayer rewards shop for 400 slayer points (one time use per stone)~ - Altars so when you enter either the east room or west room you can see an altar in the center of each room these altars give you boost effects that are beneficial in the fight against harbinger xrul East room West room east room effect is your combat stats are boosted to 150 West room effect is you are able to boost your hitpoints to 2000 (ONLY BOOSTABLE TO 2000 WITH TORVA) Lastly, The FIGHT So once you've got your 5 kc and activated the altar for your boost and boosted up to 2000 hitpoints. Enter the boss room through the north barrier and turn on your prayers Activate the fight by clicking on the portal on the north side of the room you will keep protect from magic on at all times until the boss starts with the raining of fire, similar to grae then switch on protect from ranging once this attack occurs so you aren't taking full damage from these attacks Next is the special attack from harbinger, which will come across the floor in purple, make sure you have divine on to only receive a hit of 420 as opposed to maximum hit of 600 from this attack without divine And finally the void drake, which will spawn from harbinger at roughly 3000 hp. Try and finish him off as quick as possible to avoid unnecesary damage and finish the fight quicker ===== two clips of will and myself doing harb ~~Thanks to the BEAST@Will for video contribution~~ One last note for anyone wanting to train prayer with void bones bring your bones and pestle and mortar to this altar @ ::Tele ruins - -use your bones on the altar to bless them blessed void bones -grind your bones up with a pestle and mortar to get the paste Ground void bones -then scatter or use on gilded altar your to get prayer xp - - Hope this guide helped, Goodluck!-
    3 points
  2. Great work Nelly, This is huge.
    2 points
  3. This item will become available in the next gameplay update!
    1 point
  4. Very nice guide Nelly! Should help fill the gap in the market and hope to see more people grinding this boss!
    1 point
  5. Very nice guide! Thanks for the contribution
    1 point
  6. 1 point
    1 point
  8. Been an awesome year, Keep it up guys
    1 point
  9. 5/01/2020 - Updated - Added DWH to PG
    1 point
  10. +1 this is kinda cool
    1 point

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