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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/28/2019 in all areas

  1. With the current decade coming to an end and the roaring 20's coming swiftly I ask you this: What goals or ambitions has everybody got that they would like to achieve in the upcoming year? Me personally, with my Masters Degree completed I'm planning on fully pushing myself into the world of film and television and beginning the hunt and grind for my dream job.
    2 points
  2. Am not much of a planner, but I'm hoping to get started on further education, like getting started on a business degree from uni. Other than that I'm prolly just gonna work and hopefully move out soon-ish. But we'll see how much actually happens
    2 points
  3. Very nice ambitions, fam. I wish you all the best in your grind for ya'lls dream jobs. As for me, still trying to figure out what is possible with a felony record
    2 points
  4. For what it's worth, the thresholds are only for pets and not for other unique drops. It wasn't completely clear if that's what you meant or not, so I wanted to address it. As to the second point about a standard ratio - are you saying that the kill count needed for each boss to trigger a threshold should be the same for all? So for example, 500 kills would hit the threshold for both Nex and and 500 kills would do it for Dagannoth Kings? Or are you saying that a kill threshold would lower the chance of a unique item the same between one boss to the next? For example, 500 kills for Nex would increase the chance of a Torva plate by 15%, just as 500 DK kills would increase the chance of a ring drop by 15%? Either way, there's a problem with having an across the board threshold for everything since getting X kills for one boss isn't going to be the same level of difficulty or time needed as others. Per my examples, you could have several thousand kills at Dagannoth Kings by the time you could get 500 kills at Nex. A few more questions to consider Would the threshold be applied to all drops for that particular boss? or would each item have its own unique drop rate change? Would it get reset after a drop is obtained? If not, wouldn't there be a problem where people who have much higher chances, and therefore items more quickly, cause those with lower thresholds but get a good drop to be denied a decent price for it? Basically, would there not end up being an inflation problem? Would 'Threshold leeches' be permitted? That is, where someone with a high threshold comes along with a party and gets the kills but allows the others to pick up the items?
    1 point
  5. Im starting off 2020 with a brand new house, taking a huge step into adulthood at 19 I've also met a girl who is great, hopefully this year may be the one I actually date someone I'm hoping to take Chaos to another level and start earning a solid profit off of it this year, will definitely need a lot of work though. *edit, crashed my car 29/12/19 - this year is gonna fuckin suck*
    1 point
  6. for me, starting a new different career within the heating and cooling industry has opened my eyes. This wasn't my initial first choice as a career, as i wanted to pursue a career as an Electrician (with no luck) and now I'm unsure if i want to get back on that horse and try to find someone who will take me on again, or stick with the company I am with now. none hte less, got a whole year ahead of me so I can try to figure something out. very cool career choice callum, wish you the best of luck!
    1 point

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