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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/19/2019 in all areas

  1. In-Game Name: Callum. What Are You Suggesting: I'm suggesting something that is consistently talked about, rather frequently suggested in some manner or form, and just generally needed: a rework to the Dungeoneering system. Who/What Does This Benefit: Literally everybody on the server. Chaotics are some of the BIS weapons for those who aren't incredibly rich, and Dungeoneering is a milestone that any player has to overcome if going for the coveted Completionist Cape. Any Additional Information: Dungeoneering is quite frankly noted as the most tedious skill to complete in-game. Not because of its difficulty in any manner, but mainly due to the fact that the repetitive nature of it makes it so mind-numbingly boring. So, what I'm suggesting today is a few alterations that may alter this process slightly; potentially making this non-enjoyable skill either more fun or easier to bare. For this, it'll be split into sub-sectors depending on each suggestion so far. The Dungeoneering Floor Ladder: For those grinding this skill; whether it be on Fridays or anytime within the week, one of the most tedious parts is having to exit the dungeon - go down a slope - enter a door and restart. A simple fix; add a next floor button to the end menu to immediately take you across to the next room. The Boss Reworks: We're completely familiar with how Dungeoneering works; you kill three bosses that are incredibly easy to kill due to the fact that they all attack with Magic, rinse and repeat for incredibly long hours and gain points. A point of annoyance within this grind is that all of the menu options/doors options (Small, Medium or Large floors) do the exact same thing. For this; a variance of bosses that scale dependant on your current Dungeoneering level that actually require you to either team up to fight them, or actually bring supplies with you. Take this as a basic standpoint and work with what you will: Small Dungeons - Level 1-80 (Current Dungeoneering bosses + extra?) Medium Dungeons - Level 80-99 (Mid tier bosses; require switches + minimal supplies - potential of 3-5 new bosses) Large Dungeons - Level 100-120 (Top tier bosses; requires all combat styles, supplies and additional players depending on PvM experience). There is plenty of Dungeoneering bosses to choose from, with a list from the Runescape Wiki located here that will give variance to this skill - https://runescape.fandom.com/wiki/Dungeoneering/Bosses The Skilling Overhaul: Possibly not requested by many, but having a Dungeoneering skill similar to that of its true nature could be something of interest to players; I especially would love to see a full Dungeoneering or close to. What does this entail? A labyrinth of rooms with variety of monsters and skills required to find and fight the boss.
    2 points
  2. Hey peoples, As some of you know I like to stream Ely every now and then, but id like to move towards making some video content/tutorials to have on my channel to fill the space of hours and hours of streaming. Id love to see what kinda stuff youd like to see me upload/create. If you have any ideas for a series, video or even a tutorial on how to do something efficiently let me know!
    2 points
  3. This is a great suggestion and it's about time someone actually wrote a neat post about it! Totally support!
    1 point
  4. Support, Dungeoneering has so much unused potential, would be nice to see this skill get revitalized.
    1 point
  5. Totally agree and support this as we all spoke about it in game. A very much needed rework that’ll benefit the whole server!
    1 point
  6. Owner Lation - Good guy, active in chat when he's able to. Matt - Never met him, fun to kill the npc tho. Developer Luke - Never met him Splash - Never met him either Administrators Kari - Never met this guy either Global Moderators Kemi - #1 goof but always helpful when he's online Server Moderator Jordan - Rich boi, but helpful Callum - Helpful when he's online Ultsonofares - Also helpful when hes online Forum Moderators Enzyme - Never see him in-game but active on discord which is nice Support Masoud - Good support man, helps when needed and also sells lots of st00f P.S. I feel like there's almost 0 communication when it comes to most things to players, maybe work on that a bit like a dev blog or an update ETA instead of Soon TM
    1 point

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