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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/13/2019 in all areas

  1. In-Game Name: Callum. What Are You Suggesting: The beginnings to revival/development of the PvP scene amongst Ely, and to start with we'll be running through gear alongside some potential methods of obtainability for specific items within the game that are beneficial to PvP. Who/What Will This Benefit: As a whole, the entire server. Not only will this give the concurrent playerbase additional content to do instead of bankstand at home, but open the initial doors into further development to enhance an entire new sector of playerbase. Any Additional Information: Now I know a lot of people reading this will be thinking the same thing: "We've got plenty of gear options already in-game", "The economy is already flooded with items", "There's methods to obtain the majority already" which would all be correct. But let's look at a few items in particular: Robins & Rangers, Uncut Onyx's, Infinity Items, Dragon Items, Whips, PvP Armours; the fundamentals of pking. A complete rework of the drop tables of these items/methods of obtaining said items would open the possibility to them not only having more economic value, but entice players to use them in secondary situations. So let's look at a few items in particular: Infinity Robe Sets:
    1 point

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