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Showing content with the highest reputation on 9/21/2019 in all areas

  1. In-Game Name: Callum. What Are You Suggesting: I am suggesting the removal of the Betting Arena and the Duel Arena as options to be selected for the Bonus Event on Double Minigame Saturdays. Who/What Does This Benefit: It benefits those who want to grind minigames and receive a better chance of speeding the grind up each week. Any Other Information: Let's be realistic here, minigames are incredibly dead content. The vast majority of the week a minigame can easily go untouched by the community due to the fact that there isn't enough participants interested. But Saturdays are the exception where people dedicate their time to playing minigames because of the rewards. Before, it even used to be that this wasn't the case. But now, with the release of the Collection Log, there is more incentive and drive for 'true completionists' to strive and grind towards playing these minigames. Some weeks can be great where both Double Minigame Rewards stacks with the Bonus Event, but this has yet to happen with the release of the Collection Log. My request is simple, take off the options for Betting Arena and Duel Arena as potential options for the Bonus Event of the week. These give literally no bonus and are unused by everybody per week because there is nothing to gain. But lets say you've got a Double Minigame Saturday and the Bonus Event lands on Pest Control? I bet that will bring some activity to it.
    1 point
  2. In-Game Name: Callum. What Are You Suggesting: Currently I am suggesting one of two methods listed below revolved around the Tokhaar Kal (Kiln Cape): Either the option to have the cape in its old form from its release back in RS2. A separate item added to Har-Aken's drop table to not only include more drops for the boss, but as a potential incentive for the Collection Log to obtain multiple styles. Who/What Does This Benefit: It benefits the niche audience who are not only looking for more excuses to PvM, but prefer the older styles of graphics. Any Additional Information: The current style of the Tokhaar-Kal works incredibly well with the New Items Look mode (post graphical update) although it also moves across to the Old Items Looks and is completely out of place with any form of outfit that was made in that era. Just by having an alterative, it would give variance and allow those who never enjoyed the New Item Looks to have that variance they desired. As briefly stated above too, the Fight Kiln drop table is one of the easier ones to complete within the Collection Log due to requiring two runs of the caves to obtain every reward. Adding an alternative would make this Minigame more used even if just for another wave; with could potentially link into the droptable being expanded further to include a Har-Aken pet drop! But we'll save that suggestion for another post.
    1 point
  3. This is doable, As for the pet drop it would be a down-sized version of the actual boss as our cache doesnt include the har'aken pet model.
    1 point
  4. Hey guys, below is a link to my livestream where I recorded myself killing nex, completely solo, for the first time on Ely! As you can see at the end, there is a timer given to indicate that I full solo'd the boss. This has been a huge goal of mine ever since RSPS2. Thanks for watching guys!
    1 point

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