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Showing content with the highest reputation on 9/15/2019 in all areas

  1. Hello, After some difficulty in my life i turned to Ely it became my home, i miss it and once i can figure on how to download the client i will see you nubcakes online. My love Hades
    1 point
  2. After a few long months of grinding away, Virtus has finally fallen. https://prnt.sc/p66t94 Overall Playtime: 373 hours. Achievements: First Maxed Hardcore Ironman Legend. 7 unique pet drops (including Corporeal Beast). 11 requirements left to Completionist Cape. Plenty of boss drops (Bandos, Armadyl, Corporeal Beast loot etc). Final Bank (Post-Death): Rares: https://prnt.sc/p673ic Fashionscape: https://prnt.sc/p673kd Clues/Junk: https://prnt.sc/p673m5 Weapons/Dungeoneering: https://prnt.sc/p673o6 Armour: https://prnt.sc/p673qy Collectables: https://prnt.sc/p673tj Skilling: https://prnt.sc/p673v6 Drops: https://prnt.sc/p673y2 Food/Potions: https://prnt.sc/p67400 So, what's next? Time to do it all again.
    0 points

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