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Showing content with the highest reputation on 8/13/2019 in all areas

  1. Majority voted 6:1 for yes, Appeal accepted. Any further punishment will result in full account deletion, as well as isolation on any platform Ely uses.
    2 points
  2. Username: Spiral Suggestion: The capability to spend slayer points to extend the currently assigned slayer task. For example: spending 100 slayer points to extend the currently assigned slayer task by 20-30 kills (10-15 for bosses) Why (how will it benefit players overall): Having the option to extend slayer tasks would enable people to train slayer faster. It would also provide a greater benefit to having a slayer helmet. Reassigning a task 10+ times to get a specific task can be quite annoying, with the ability to extend a current task people could get more value out of spending points; while also expediting the process of getting slayer exp. It would also make the slayer helmet a lot less useless overall and make the point purchase to make it less unsatisfying. It wouldn't help people farm points (obviously :P) and would also make slayer point items like the cannon more rare with less points being available overall in the long run. It would make certain lesser bosses easier to farm with a slayer helm (like gwd bosses). People who farm harder bosses have better options than a task enhanced slayer helmet anyways. It would make certain low level bosses more viable for newer players and encourage them to stick around longer. Just a thought EDIT: I know this is a repost of a recent suggestion by Masoud, but I feel I've provided more of a justification for the change rather than just asking for it ^^. Will understand if this gets deleted as a repost
    1 point
  3. YES extend tasks! this is the 3rd time its been suggested, by yourself, masoud and me. Hope this gets added at some point
    1 point
  4. Welcome ! and have fun
    1 point
  5. Welcome to the best server. Are you a cuckhold tho like your name suggests?
    1 point
  6. Welcome to the family my dude!
    1 point
  7. Welcome! Pretty sure you're gonna fit just right in this community. Like every other communit we have some retards who like to insult everyone etc... But at the end of the day, we're all retarded friends who enjoy each other's company. At first maybe you'll find it hard to find many friend because of the fact that you're new and no one knows you yet. But believe me if you stick around and always talk and interact with people you'll make good friend straight away! Hope you enjoy your stay here
    1 point
  8. WELCOME!! aren't we all boring in one way or another. I don't see you having a problem fitting into ELY; very tight knit and friendly bunch of people.
    1 point
  9. Hey dude welcome aboard! Im on benefits too lmao
    1 point
  10. Welcome to ely my dude. Hope ya enjoy your stay.
    1 point
  11. Hey, welcome to Ely! I hope you enjoy your stay, make sure to hit us up on Discord
    1 point
  12. Welcome! Hope to see you settle in here at Ely, Any questions don't be too shy to ask. And im sure you'll make plenty of friends, We're quite a tight knit community. If you haven't done so already join the https://discord.gg/T2QUpq! It's usually quite active and you'll be able to experience ely to the full. Hope to see you around in-game!
    1 point

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