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Showing content with the highest reputation on 8/4/2019 in all areas

  1. This Basically sums up my opinion of the G.E ,Some of the changes are good, but most basic stuff aren't there. And grinding for every type of logs and other stuff is just basically being an Ironman. I hope you guys can find the middle ground with the G.E Update. It's not all good, but it's not all bad either.
    2 points
  2. I can see why the GE was reworked, but I can only be frustrated for not being able to buy essential items like: cannonballs, potion flasks etc. My biggest concern is for new players trying to do 200m skills. Unable to buy essential supplies that were provided on ge, ie: dhide leathers, some logs (eucalyptus is one), herbs/unfinished potions, mithril bars, gems, pearl bolts to enchant for mage, dart tips for fletching. This is just to name a few. To me it just feels like you will be playing in the sense of an ironman, seeing as no one even gathers these supplies and the demand is going to way out due the scarce supply by a long shot. This could deter new players to stay because not everyone wants to play with this intent. I suppose it's viable to train other skills then combat and your gatherer skills now but it would be one hell of a grind and if you want supplies i'd imagine you'll be paying a premium unless you are on easy or an ironman. Some people will agree it's a good change and some will disagree with the change, but I'm looking forward to seeing what the GE holds in the future.
    2 points

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