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Showing content with the highest reputation on 8/1/2019 in all areas

  1. Elysians We are introducing a new Discord role, the Elysian's! This is a new exclusive role that gives you a bit more access to the behind-the-scenes work going on in Ely, allows you to become the first to test new content for bugs, glitches, etc. We are excited to introduce this role which will start with a limited amount of people, but will be expanded on with time and change, adapt & grow as we go along in Ely. How do I join? You will be selected to join the Elysian's. We carefully watch & analyze all players all the time for many different reasons. In this specific case we will be looking for people with a love for Ely, a very deep understanding of our game, an eager willingness to help others & more along those lines. If you fit these characteristics you will most likely be selected to join, eventually :). What are the benefits? Being an Elysian means you have early access to new content in situations which we need help testing. You will also have an exclusive Role & Channel in Discord which will give you direct access to the Developers to make suggestions, hear about things coming soon & more. Who are the first Elysian's? @IttzKaotic, @nelly & @Masoud Congratulations to these fellas, your Discord role is now updated & you are now an Elysian! Thank you for your continued support to Ely and we are looking forward to working a bit closer with you!
    5 points
  2. I'm gonna get all weird. I've dealt with depression majority of my life so I honestly never even thought I'd live as long as I have. As for thinking of the future, I've rarely done that until the past few years. I mean if you don't think you'll live that long, thinking of a future is pointless. So anyways now that I'm doing much better I think about my future a little bit more. I still have no direction in life though so I have no clue what I want to do with my life. Currently I'm looking for a good job and have applied to a ton of random things that sounded interesting. Hopefully something works out. As for 10-20 years in the future I have no clue. I think honestly I'd like to have a significant other that I can be with the rest of my life and have a stable job. That's really about it. Everything else is just fluff to me.
    3 points
  3. 2 points
  4. Congratulations on the new ranks guys! Know you'll do Ely proud and get this content rolling
    2 points
  5. 1 point
  6. Very glad to hear you got out of that funk man, keep your head up & keep moving forward. 90% of things in life are just as you said, fluff. Get yourself someone to spend the rest of your life with, and all else will fall in place.
    1 point
  7. kudos to you for for getting out of that awful cycle and things have turned around and looking up for you!!! things will definitely turn around just give it some time. good luck on your future endeavors!
    1 point
  8. i CaN cOuNt To PoTaTo. BeEn ArOuNd SiNcE 2012/2013. y33T kAoTiC iS mY sOn.
    1 point
  9. I had talked to Matt a few times about it back on Zarpor, he tried to increase the size but items would bug out and disappear just like they do when you bank gets full. Right now I have about 20 free spaces and it doesnt allow me to deposit anything with the buttons, i have to manually do it one by one, and i cant even take out some stuff or click on it at all lol. Either way, banking needs to be fixed because I keep having to get rid of stuff I don't want to get rid of Whichever way would be easier.
    1 point
  10. Prob killing revs to get a c throwing axe drop....
    1 point

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