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Showing content with the highest reputation on 7/24/2019 in all areas

  1. Username: Masoud Suggestion: To have an option to extend slayer task for certain amount of Slayer points. Why (how will it benefit players overall): The ability to extend slayer tasks would be of a great assistance to players who are farming certain slayer bosses for certain Items. For instance, I'm farming Kraken for the trident, and I can't attack the monster without being on task, and most tasks I get for it have a low Killcount, so extending it would help save me points by not having to skip 10 tasks in a row wasting 300 points to get 8 Kraken task .
    2 points
  2. Hey Nerd, Unfortunately these suggestions arent likely to be implemented as; The donor zone stalls are simply a higher xp yield, and not meant to be used to gain GP. Its unlikely this will be changed as theirs plenty of other methods for thieving. As for the tool belt, the tools are not meant to be your highest tier tool, This would be unpractical. The tool belt is used to fill basic and bronze tools only as a base in case you dont have your higher tier tools on you. This is a feature in RS3 and is also unlikely to be changed Thanks for the suggestions!, Kao
    2 points
  3. Ely's Guide Directory! Welcome to Ely's Guide Directory. Here you can find all the guides you will need while playing Ely! If you make a guide and want it listed in here, just send me a message or reply to this thread and I will happily add it to the list! Getting started in Ely The Ely Guide Price Guide Jordan's starting Guide Clue Scroll Guide Map of Home Money Making List of Teleports Money Making for Noobs Skilling Guides Monsters & Bosses Combat - Minigames - Iron Man Misc Guides This list is not complete. All guides are very much appreciated and are a huge help! I take no credit for the guides in here, this is just a list I made for easy access.
    1 point
  4. Username: Masoud Suggestion: Polypore staff should last longer in fight. Why (how will it benefit players overall): Currently, using the poylpore for around 1 hour takes it from fully recharged to 0%, Plus, getting the staff itself is not that easy. It is a powerful staff but almost no one uses it because of it's fast degrade rate.So changing the Degrade rate will help increase the popularity of the staff and will encourage people to use it more.
    1 point
  5. Completely agree, As seen on stream today slayer needs a re-work. +1
    1 point
  6. yes, and preferably extending it unlimited times
    1 point
  7. Just a couple of suggestions: 1. Donor stalls give money just like the stalls at home, if not a small increased amount. 2. Maybe look into setting it to where we can change out items such as a pickaxe or hatchet from our toolbelt, so we can equip things like a dragon hatchet or something. Just so we dont have to constantly change our items out. Thank you! -Nerd
    1 point
  8. What a nice thread we have going here. Thank you for all the kind responses lol
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. I'm not against giving it a small amount of GP. Not the same as Gem or higher, but some GP would be fine I suppose. Toolbelt could be improved on to allow higher tier equipment but would be a big-ish project. If it gains enough support we'll consider it.
    1 point
  11. You sir are correct, This is the first question
    1 point
  12. Hi there, welcome to the first edition in what I hope to be a fun series of drop table reworks. Todays changes will be tackling the Kalphite Queen and how bloody useless this NPC is. I'm going to start off by listing the current drop table and then below that I'll list the reworked drop table. This is what we are dealing with.. It's quite frankly all garbage. The only reason to even kill is for the pet... As you can see, a lot has changed! I'll explain a few of the changes. I removed a lot of pointless drops, such as the Oyster Pearls. Filling drop tables is good but there's no need for utter garbage to fill them. The Rune drops have been changed to noted drops and the quantities increased to 10; ensuring even if you don't roll something good you get a bit of GP for your efforts, alongside the now guaranteed 1-2m gp per kill. The Elite Clue is now a guaranteed drop, I think KQ will be the only NPC that has this? Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel It's a good change. I've added the Uncut Onyx as a rare drop so that if players do not feel like grinding 99 Slayer for Soulgazers or farming Fire Capes for Tokkul, there's an alternative. The gems were made noted and increases in quantity, as well as a few other skilling items being added including Yew/Magic seeds and Dragon Arrow Tips. The White Knight armor is now available in-game through Kalphite Queen, allowing people to hunt down the gear if they wish to use it for Fashionscape purposes (it honestly has no use beyond that, but I thought It'd be nice to include some items that people may at some point in time want to wear but can't get). The most noteable change in my eyes is the inclusion of an exclusive item to hunt from the Kalphite Queen, as the Dragon Chainbody (made more common) and Dragon 2h Sword just weren't cutting it. KQ now drops the Primal Spear at a fairly reasonable rarity, giving reason to hunt this beast whilst on or even off of a Slayer Task. Oh, and there's a White Afro too. Afro's are cool. Hope you enjoy, the next boss to be reworked will be Chaos Elemental! I forgot to mention a couple of huge things, guaranteed noted Ourg Bones and the only source of noted Tooth/Loop halves!
    1 point
    1 point
  14. ima just go cry in the corner no worries.. gg boys
    1 point
  15. This gon be kewl, Glad KQ aint useless no more. Ty luke
    1 point
  16. Lation's kid casino strikes again
    1 point
  17. ikr wtf, you just aint get hit with the "I hate Kaotic effect"
    1 point
  18. Im $100 off Kari, tf you mean
    1 point
  19. Mod + you fire jordan and deal.
    1 point
  20. Welcome Man! Glad that you're sticking around! See you in-game!
    1 point
  21. Well done till now, keep going bro
    1 point
  22. Great Small fixed guys well done Looking forward to Ruins, gonna be shitload of fun <333
    1 point

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