::tele gorillas
gorillas can be a tricky monster to master but I'm going to give you some tips on the most effective methods to kill them, including the mechanics of how they work - also a small clip of killing them in real time to get an idea
Gorillas offense
-after 3x total hits of 0 (zero) the gorilla hits on you they will change attack styles
Gorillas defence
-for every 50 damage you deal no matter the attack style they will change prayers
(The only way I've found to manipulate this is using a zaryte bow - you can sometimes nearly kill half a gorillas with just the bow)
When you're getting attacked and you've been hit with 3 hits of 0 - switch to protect from melee because that first melee hit will be unavoidable if it decides to switch attack styles to melee
Gear (most effective)
these gear setups will be for the most effective methods
alternatively you could swap primal rapier for arclight/lance and for range you could switch out blowpipe for graetious/zaryte bow
Gear (cheaper alternative)
these cheaper setups work just as effective starting out and a smaller switch
With this inventory setup this will be an easy 30+ minute trip if you decide to swap out brews for more overloads and renewals -
Short clip
Username: Enzyme
Suggestion:Split buy/sell offers on forums ge
Why (how will it benefit players overall): Its so confusing going through one list of all the offers if youre trying to see whats actually availible. Splitting buy and sell offers would be awesome and im sure more people would use forums ge
Well, I support the idea.
But I don't think many in-game players use the forums as a go to to see what's available for buying or what other people are buying.
Still Support this tho, would make the forums look more neat.