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Showing content with the highest reputation on 7/7/2019 in all areas

  1. I'm not against the idea of promethium being added into the economy as tier 90 gear that can be farmed/donated for but I don't think primal should be introduced through a NPC. As it is a rather expensive donator item and the supply is limited it keeps the market competitive. Maybe some sort of way to introduce it for the iron community could be explored so the gear is not restricted to people playing on the iron mode.
    2 points
  2. Donator Status Scrolls are now available for purchase! For a long time now I've middle-manned many personal donation deals amongst two players. However I'm happy to announce today that you no longer need me (As if I wasn't already useless enough..) You can now buy: $5, $10, $25, $50 & $100 Donor scrolls from the Exclusive's shop! IMPORTANT: These are transferable EPoints & total Donated amounts. For example when you claim a $100 scroll, it will add 1,000 EP & $100 to your total donated. HOWEVER; if YOU BUY one from the Shop, it will REMOVE the 1,000 EP needed to buy AND $100 from your total donated. There will also be a warning in-game stating that point before the purchase to avoid any accidental clicks. However there is no harm in buying these.. let's give another example.. Say @Kemi is broke and cannot afford to donate (cause.. he is) & asks you to buy him a $50 scroll for X amount of in-game Gold or items. You then donate $50 and buy the scroll and wouldn't you know it.. he no longer needs you cause he made IRL cash by selling himself. Are you stuck with the scroll? No, you can claim it yourself and it will add back that 500EP & $50 donated. No harm. Enjoy!
    1 point
  3. Until they added it to $5 Donor boxes... now everyone has primal rapiers etc. Definitely disagree with adding primal ingame though, should remain a donor item. -1 Support.
    1 point
  4. I don't support the idea of primal becoming a drop from an NPC. but, i also don't like the idea of it being P2W. I think its good to keep primal p2w because it still holds its value and we aren't flooded with dead primal stock. It's always in demand and I think its good to see there isn't a lot of primal pieces in game because of this. I think this idea would be good for potential new bosses with new rewards, such as expanding the oldschool arsenal and dropping some potentially new stuff that has entered into 07.
    1 point
  5. Not going to happen, sorry. Primal will remain a donator method only item, as to not screw over those who have previously spent money on it and so that there are reasons for people to spend their money and support Ely. I wouldnt be against finding a way to balance promethium, though.
    1 point
  6. People who donated for them aren’t gunna be happy if you can get them as a drop...
    1 point
  7. Would be nice to have alternative methods to obtaining Primals, some work into movestyles and droprates and I'd definitely support this!
    1 point

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