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Showing content with the highest reputation on 5/30/2019 in all areas

  1. Ideally, a rework that improves drop tables without just introducing a massive amount of gold would be great. I.E, no gigantic stacks of rune armor. But then again, with the general store it's sort of impossible to introduce such a rework without furthering inflation of the economy. I would propose 'tiered' drop tables. Low level monsters drop low level skill materials, mid leveled drops mid level, etc. Low level bosses could drop larger amounts of mid level resources, with other bosses dropping larg (But not too large) of high level resources, with highest level bosses dropping the best materials, in lower but consistent amounts. Examples of low, med, and high resources Seeds: L: Potato, Marigold seeds M: Irit seeds, Willow seeds H: Torstol, Yew seeds Bars: L: Iron M: Mithril H: Adamant
    2 points
  2. hi big faggot bot
    1 point
  3. Very good overhaul on website. Looks hella lot better and pretty professional. Hopefully bring some light back to the forums.
    1 point
  4. Ingame Username: Weizen Description of bug: Disconnect after a Dungeon Screenshots, if possible: It is not possible Detailed Explaination: Did a lot of Dungeoneering and got many Client Crashes at Jumping down to start another dungeon.or after climbing the wall after defeating the boss. Idk if this only happens to me https://gyazo.com/56da3181d6d21d3ef477f3390a573699 https://gyazo.com/4f8100dfe1fa9012f6d3efa5e10f8649
    1 point
  5. I can't say I have 'crashed', but I do know after running a couple dous (leeching off myself), that the game begins to lag considerably when climbing the ladder, or jumping down. To the point it stutters.
    1 point
  6. 0 points
  7. 0 points
  8. Loving it! Everything is much smoother and cleaner
    0 points
  9. It's not supposed to work in the wilderness - Read the comment under this
    0 points

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