Username (ingame): Kari
Suggestion (short description): Give daily SoF spins / Buff SoF rewards
Why (explain what this will benefit, and how): Gives everyone a chance at some sof prizes
Details (a more thorough explanation of the above):
This suggestion has two parts.
Part 1
Right now sof tickets are not really desireable as the rewards are kinda dull. My suggestion would be to remove the useless rewards like 100 balls of wool, splitbark pieces for example and to increase the amount of the already existing skilling supplies rewards. I would also like to see the addition of more useful stuff; I'm not sure what to add to be honest, so some ideas would be appreciated.
Part 2
It would be kinda cool if everyone recieved 1 SoF spin a day upon login (won't get any if they don't log in)
My idea for daily spins:
Normal player: 1 spin
Guthix - Saradomin donator: 2 spins
Bandos - Armadyl donator: 3 spins
Ancient donator: 4 spins
Bronze patron 5 spins (upped from 3)
Silver (6) gold(9) and platinum (12) patrons keep theirs.
The amount of spins is just an idea, feel free to give feedback on that