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Showing content with the highest reputation on 5/19/2019 in all areas

  1. If you're reading this you've by now seen our entire online presence has been dramatically reworked & improved! Our mission behind this overhaul was creating a smoother & more user friendly experience for everyone from their first visit to Ely to maxing their account. It has been quite the sizable project and I do want to thank everyone for their patience and understanding for dealing with certain pages & services being down from time to time during the project. As of now we're coming to the end and wrapping up the finer details & tweaks. With that said, you may experience some small glitches or things being a little bit buggy here and there until all the kinks are worked out, however 95% of this project is complete. I would love to hear all your feedback, comments, suggestions & criticism in the comments so let us know your thoughts on the new site! Now, account linking. Previously when a user had made an account in-game & wanted to vote and/or donate they had to manually link their account through the Vote or Store page. As of now, that is no longer necessary. We have automated the entire account linking process! Should a new player want to vote all they must do is make a forum account - and vote! Thank you all again for your patience in dealing with us through this lengthy process & we hope you like it as much as we do!
    3 points
  2. Name: Kaotic Rules Broken (if any): Third Party Software / Botting / Mouse keys Time Punished: N/A Punishment Length & Type: Permanent Ban Staff Member who issued the punishment: Lation Redeem yourself, explain the entirety of the situation: First off I will not be denying the fact I was using a third party software. Did I have any intentions of taking it beyond what I could do myself? No. I simply used this in order to help make things easier for me to do to watch Game of Thrones. As embarrassed as I am to be writing this today, I believe the punishment is deserving but seek to be forgiven of my stupid mistake. I've always tried to be a somewhat good member of the community, posting guides, helping players and even helping Lation behind the scenes. I do understand the severity of what I had been doing last night, And given the opportunity to play again I would never even think to attempt it again. I do apologise immensely for breaking the rules, and most importantly breaking your trust. Why should you be Unmuted/Banned?: Although I do not believe I should be unbanned, I come to ask for forgiveness and a second chance. Regardless of the fact I am not deserving of it. I promise to be better, This was a stupid mistake I made at late night that has cost me more than it was worth. I wish for the hours I poured into "Kaotic" to not have gone to waste over a mistake. Pictures/Videos: My setup -
    1 point
  3. Welcome, Hope to see you rise to admin soon!
    1 point
  4. Username (ingame): Maaaaaaarz Suggestion (short description): 1.) Make Looting bags persist through death. 2.) Allow for rearranging of items to be done outside of Wilderness Why (explain what this will benefit, and how): 1.) In OSRS the system encourages the use of looting bags through item storage options like Zulrah, as well as a 60 minute timer on items lost on death. So it's harder to manage items as an UIM in Ely. 2.) Progression happens to quickly to justify having to interrupt gameplay to rearrange inventory space. Again, it's much easier to manage in OSRS Details (a more thorough explanation of the above): 1.) Have the looting bag continue to drop contents, but persist after death. Looting bag will continue to be lost on death. This helps with inventory management, as you don't have to keep juggling items constantly to prevent them from being lost, or stolen. It helps maintain the flow of the game, without making UIM too easy. 2.) Allowing to take items in and out of the bags freely will assist in the flow of the game as well. However, adding this option will clearly be incredibly overpowered, making for an additional 28 pieces of food or potions on top of the already existing 30< from BoBs. I propose having a restriction of only noted items being able to be in the looting bag, or non combat items.
    1 point
  5. In my opinion, should just be staff. Having it open to community can very easily turn into a popularity/animosity competition rather than what is right or wrong. Staff should be better at giving a fair 'trial' than an open community. But I digress. Caught/admitting to botting. Week ban+reset to level 3 is a fair punishment in my opinion. Caught again = donezo.
    1 point
  6. Honestly, we haven't really made any forum rules/guidelines so far. I'm gonna let this one be as it is, and maybe in the future we'll do it differently.
    1 point
  7. Are ban appeals meant for the whole community? Or only staff?
    1 point
  8. I was disappointed when finding out you were botting, because after all the history you've had recently i thought you'd never do something this silly. However i also believe in second or whatever chances. I think a nice time ban for a week or two is justified and a reset in herblore to level 3. I think if you're found doing anything like this or something else sever, it should be a permanent ban without appeal. This isn't something people should get off easily in my opinion.
    1 point
  9. I'm in agreement with Kari, Due to the severity of past offences, a 1 week ban with an xp reset to the botted skill seems fair and just, like we have been in the past to you. I'm sure you understand how much this can effect Ely, and that you will not break any of these rules again, Otherwise you will find yourself recieving more severe punishments, that might not be appeal able.
    1 point
  10. Even tho Kao gets on everybodys nerves, we all love him. Nobody is perfect and everybody fucks up. So far all i've seen from Kaotic is a guy who wants to help the community and has a good time losing his bank to Jordan. Botting is a major offense and should never be taken lightly, but I do believe that this event will scare him straight. He has put a lot of time and money into his account and i'm sure he would not want to risk it again. Give the guy one last shot, keep a close eye on him and exp reset.
    1 point
  11. Personally i think he does deserve another chance because i have gotten one myself. I don't know what other things he has done before this to say more about this. On this point i agree with Kari. Resetting herb level to 3 & etc. Kaotic is a great guy and is very helpful in many things! Give him another shot.
    1 point

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