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  3. Thank you for my first ban. I really appreciate it guys
  4. I am very pleased that this update added the ability to consume cheese, thank you very much! The other stuff is cool too
  5. The ending def threw me off xD Love the update tho love the addition to the voting shop def going to save up for the trimmed ely cape.
  6. Wow, only two weeks since the last update. What's going on??? New Superior Slayer Monsters! As part of an ongoing Slayer rework, three new Superior Slayer Monsters make their way into Ely today! First up is the Lavafiend, a Superior version of the Waterfiend. Secondly is the Weathered Dragon, a rusted Superior version of Metal Dragons (Bronze, Iron, Steel). Finally is the Chaos Giant, a Superior version of the Fire Giant. I'll leave his visuals a surprise! Donator Scrolls Donator Scrolls have made their way back to the Donator Shop. You can now trade and sell Scrolls and EP to other players for in-game wealth! Voting Shop I've made a few changes to the Donator Shop. The Robin Hood Hats have been removed.. very undesirable. I'll add them to Clues or something. New items include the Trimmed version of the Ely Cape (with particle effect!), the Vyrewatch Longsword (a cosmetic longsword that looks pretty cool) and the Volcanite Elder Rune Override Gear! This armour set will take a long time to achieve and can be used with Torva items to gain their stats!!! Other QOL changes A few custom items have been fixed for their respective owners. The Tormented Bracelet has been buffed to outclass Spellcaster Gloves. Fixed the noted High Tier Coffer drop from Scorpius. If any Irons received I'm happy to swap for Iron Coffers. Ironman Donator Benefits SHOULD (big emphasis on should) be fixed. If not back to the drawing board. Added a 100% chance to receive Medium Clue Scrolls to Soulgazers. Added Iron and Legendary Coffers to Glacors. You can now upgrade the Abyssal Dagger to P, P+ and P++. You can now eat cheese. As per Wheelchair's request, Will is banned for 2 minutes post-update. Sorry Will.
  7. Amazing work my man, Been a while since Ely had an update and it feels good. Thanks Luke.
  8. Beautifully done, Luke! You might make me come back to Ely once more!! Keep up the nice work, I love seeing Ely thrive as it's been such a big part of me for the last couple of years. Good stuff man! On a side note... Lation; you suck
  9. Happy to see the store back in action! Great update luke cant wait to see what else you cook up.
  10. Hello, It's been a while hasn't it. Sorry about that.. life's been busy. But I'm back with another update that includes.. new content!! Scorpius, Mage of the Occult! Meet Scorpius, the newest Boss monster to be added to Ely! Scorpius is our own version of Thermonuclear Smoke Devils, as we're having issues dumping animations and gfx from the OSRS cache. He behaves very similarly to the identical NPC on OSRS, with a couple of changes to fit Ely. EDIT: I should probably tell you how to get to the new boss. LOL. ::tele occult The boss requires 93 Slayer to attack, and also requires an Amulet of Ghostspeak or Amulet of Ghostbusting in order for you to hit the NPC. The Amulet of Ghostspeak is available from the Slayer Shop (GP) for a hefty one-time price. You may be able to combine this with something in order to create the Amulet of Ghostbusting, which will be an upgraded version of the Ghostspeak Amulet with stats comparable to an Amulet of Fury! One of the key drops to look out for is of course the Occult Necklace, which takes the place as Ely's current best-in-slot Magic Necklace! The first image shows the stats of the Arcane Stream Necklace (previous BIS) and the second image shows the stats of the Occult Necklace. There's also a new pet to hunt, a miniature version of Scorpius himself. Donation Store In order to ensure we raise funds to pay the monthly server costs, I'm opting to add Cosmetic-only items back to the Donator Store. These items will be available on a monthly-rotational basis and when they're gone, they will become discontinued! The items I've chosen for the month of March are shown below: I'm forever thankful to anyone who spends a penny here, despite my slow updates and small playerbase. As long as we can pay server costs monthly I'm content Raids This was never addressed properly, but raids are now in a completable state. The Olm fight has been drastically nerfed and the points you gain across a raid end up in you having somewhere between a 1 in 7 and 1 in 10 chance of receiving a purple. Castle Wars As part of an ongoing project to rework minigames, you can now start a game of Castle Wars with just 1 player on each team! Boost away!! (because honestly people just boost on main game anyway so like who cares?). Crystal/Dragon Pickaxe special attacks The Special Attack for both Pickaxes has been added, allowing you to boost your mining skill for 100% special usage. Boosting your mining skill increases the speed at which you mine ore. Superior Slayer Creatures Superior Slayer Creatures have received a couple of changes today. The first being the rate of which they spawn has been lowered to 1/50 from 1/100. Hopefully players will start to see more of these creatures. Finally, there were 5 or 6 broken Superiors.. these have been fixed and the full list of NPCs that Superiors can spawn from is below: Other QOL Changes The Ranged Tokhat-Kal cape now correctly works as an Ava's Accululator. The rate at which Ivy depletes has been increased so you can spend more time chopping. The Graetorian Recurve Bow has received significant buffs, putting it above the Blowpipe in terms of power in most scenarios. The issue with Ram being stuck when summoned has been fixed. Deviant Spectres will now count towards Aberrant Spectre tasks. The fangs of Venenatis and Voidwaker Gem have been added to the drop table of Venenatis, in preparation for a future update. Nex's drop rates have been marginally adjusted, making the items easier in return for just giving up fixing the issues her minions and phasing pose. Ragefire Boots and Glaiven boots have been buffed so that they outclass their lower-tiered counterparts (Ranger Boots and Boots of Subjugation). Issues with the Forinthry Bracelet's functionality have been fixed. The amount of Vote Points required to trigger a Vote Party has been lowered from 100 to 50. The Well of Goodwill now requires 100m for Tier 1, 250m for Tier 2 and 500m for Tier 3. As we're still a fresh economy this feels fairer than previous values. With the changes to VP and Well, staff will likely reserve triggering these for events. Fixed the incorrect Abyssal Dagger being in the Slayer Collection Log. Added a small quantity of Flax to the Skilling Store. Again, sorry the next update has taken so long. Hope to be back to a more consistent update schedule now (at least once a month?) even if it means pushing smaller updates. Enjoy!! Special thanks for Aha for helping out with a few things!
  11. you too! you admin? can you spawn me free gp ingame plz i just wanna max already
  12. this server still up? crazy
  13. Nah, old dung was braindead ass shit
  14. Dunging is already easy enough if you know what you're doing + the exp and tokens you receive by large + c6 is good enough. Did a bunch of solo dung before reset on my alts and it wasn't that painful.
  15. Eh, this isn't really likely to happen tbh... current DG is plenty fast and It's what people wanted. With the playerbase low, logically it makes more sense to keep as it is anyway so everyone doesn't rush Chaotics in 5 mins and be end-game instantly, get bored and quit
  16. Don't remove new dung if you bring back old though. There's tons of great skilling methods in new dung that people use.
  17. I 100% agree with this, or at least make an option if ppl really wanna do the whole thing they can but if not just the old way
  18. as the playerbase is quite at a low, it's one hell of a task to get peeps to dung to get chaotics. hoping, this gets enough support to allow the higher management to come to an agreement to bring back old dung if possible! thanks - ishan
  19. Updated your rank for you!
  20. Nono, they are just disabled with the reset
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